Power in Numbers

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A/N. I know I haven't stuck to my schedule lately. But I am just so excited. I can't contain myself.

He runs in and brings out all the powered friends. "Death is coming. We have to stop her here, or she will cause great damage."

Soon you hear something at the end of the woods. You see her enter the clearing, along with an army. She stops about a hundred yards away.

"Well what's this? You have a small army of friends. How cute. You will all die."

You speak to your friends. "She is mine. You guys take care of the army. She made this personal when she kidnapped me."

Her wings open up, and she takes to the sky. Her army charges instantly. Your friends charge back as you take to the sky in human form. You start throwing balls at her, but she deflects them easily. "Oh please, those powers are too weak."

Out of the corner of your eye, you see your friends battling the army. You can tell Nikki is rapidly firing of spells. Dark and Anti are using their demonic powers. Brittany stays behind, letting Wilfred fight.

Sarah flies up to you, and punches you in the face. You black out for a second, and fall to the ground. Your wings snap out, stopping you a foot from the ground. She floats down a little. "Come on, I wanna see that form of yours."

You drop to the ground. "You want it, you got it. Shadows, seal my heart. Let my inner darkness show."

You are enveloped in shadows, the darkness hiding you. You feel yourself change as you demonic side takes hold. The shadows disperse, and you fly at her.

She pulls out a white dagger, and your demonic instincts take over, and you fly to the side. What ever that dagger is made from, it's not natural. And its deadly.

You summon a large orb, one the size of a bowling ball. You launch it at her. She tries to dodge it, but it hits her hand. Just what you were hoping. She drops the dagger, which disappears as it falls.

She utters a spell, and you start falling. You return to your human form as you hit the ground. "Ha. You don't even have much power in that form. And you can't use it again. My spell stops you from taking the shadows into you. Sorry sweety, but your time is up."

You slowly stand up, and look at her. "I will never give up. My time isn't over yet, not until my heart stops beating." You think of your dark angelic form, and transform into it.

You launch into the air. You see her tremble at your new form. "Your not the only one whose an angel." You laugh wickedly and tackle her. You fight her hand to hand, but she bests you. You launch some more orbs at her, but she dodges them.

Soon, her army is all but defeated, and your friends come back. Dark flies up to you, and you grab his hand. You see Nikki and Anti summon their wings. His are skeletal bat wings, with sickly green fire flowing from them. Hers are angelic in shape. The feathers are pink at the top, and turn into a forest green at the bottom. No, stay on the ground. You need to be able to defend Brittany.

They will their wings away. Then Nikki and Anti link together, as does Brit and Warfstache.

You and Dark Power Merge, along with the others. You all try to attack Sarah. You and Dark keep throwing orbs at her. Anti and Nikki are using spells. Brittany is shooting at her with Warfstache's gun. Warfstache is using is own power to attack.

She easily out maneuvers all of you, and even retaliates with her own spells and daggers. You all end up taking a beating. You and Dark land beside your friends.

You utter a quick spell. "Praesidio Bulla." A bubble of swirling black and white energy forms around your group. "That won't hold for long. We need a new plan." You look around, and no one has an idea. You think of an idea, one you don't like. Sarah starts attacking the bubble. She pulls out a blade, trying to slice the bubble open.

"Everyone lock hands, create a circle."

Nikki looks at you, terrified. Obviously she knows what you are planning. "But that's too dangerous. We can't do that."

"I know. I don't want to do it. But we don't have a choice. We need to stop her."

She nods her head. One by one, you start locking hands. To complete the circle, you lock hands with Dark. Your's, Nikki's, and Brittany's marks all glow in an array of colors. "Just focus on letting every drop of power build."

You imagine your power flowing around the circle, going from one person to the next. The others follow your lead. Soon the flowing energy glows brightly around you. The more power you pour into it, the brighter it gets.

With a final slash, your bubble falls. Thankfully, the light blinds Sarah. You feel your body start to heat up, reacting to all the pure energy flowing through you. You only assume it is happening to the others. "Hold it as long as you can. Don't stop."

You feel your body start to boil, though you don't feel any pain. You look at Nikki, and can tell she knows this is the end for all of you. Just a little more. The powers ferociously swirl around your group. Soon your insides start to melt. You imagine the energy exploding outward, hitting Sarah, splitting her atoms apart.

"Release." Everyone lets go of the power, but stay connected. The energy bursts out, blinding you with power. You squeeze Dark's hand. I love you Dark. He squeezes back. I love you too.

Your mind fades away. You know this is the end of you, and that you saved the world. Your mind enters an empty void, never to return.

You slowly wake up, and see Nikki is using your shoulder as a pillow. You look around and see you are a bus. Slowly things start coming back to you. You are on your way to a convention, going to meet your brother. You look down at Nikki, wondering what happened.

You remember everything that happened, at least what you think happened. Dark, your powers, your family, the battle. You remember it all so vividly. It wasn't just a dream. Was it?

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