Shattering a Command

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A /N. This is about three months later. You as the character have gained access to some powers. Mostly, ability to summon and control demons, only low level ones at this point. And you have telekinesis, but you can't control it very well. Dark has become a little nicer to you, but not much.

"Damn it." You scream as you shatter yet another glass. Mark looks at you in annoyance. "Don't even give me that look. You know I can't control it."

"Well you could at least not wave your arms. That's the third cup today."

"Um, hello. I talk with my hands, sorry my telekinesis involves using my hands. The only way you could stop me, is if you tie my hands. And as Dark can come out at anytime, I won't do that."

He sighs. "I know, but I am getting tired of glass shattering on the floor."

"At least I am getting good at helping to clean it up. Seems like this is the only time I can control my powers."

You take you hand with the mark, and wave from the left to the right. You focus and the glass slowly moves into a small pile.

"There, its all in a pile. I think I am gonna read." Your eyes twinkle. "Ooo, even better idea. My fans asked me to read some fanfics. More so, ones I personally like."

"Won't that be embarrassing, I mean... you know... don't make me say it."

You smile at his blush. "Not really. Not all fanfics are slash fics. Though I will say there are some good slash fics." You pause to see him blush even more. "But one series I love isn't slash. I think I will start with that. Also, I have read some good ones of us." You see his face turn to tomato red as you laugh.

You head to your room, and don't bother to lock it. He knows better than to bother me while recording. He doesn't want to show the world he is real yet.

You start everything up and get ready for your video. Once every thing is ready you hit record.

"Hello my Nerdlings, and welcome to the video. Today i will be doing something many of you have requested. I will be reading a fanfic." You pause to let that sink in. When you are about to start talking, you realize you need something.

"Hey guys, I will be back."

You pause your recording. And take off you headphones. You sense him standing at your door.

"What do you want?"

You turn around as he answers you. "What, can't I just talk to you?"

You walk past him going to the kitchen. "No. Each time you appear, we end up fighting. You can't just let me be for once. And honestly, even though I will continue to fight you. I am getting tired of it. I don't want to fight. I just want to live my life, instead of fight what is against me."

At this point, you are in the kitchen. You grab a plastic cup from the cupboard. You go to fill it up with your favorite soda.

"All I have ever done is fight. I just want to not fight for once."

You look at him, staring into his black eyes. They seem to show some caring in them. Pfff he is a demon, they don't care.

"If you would listen to me, and give me a chance. You wouldn't have to fight."

You set you cup down on the counter. "Well maybe if you would be a jerk about, I wouldn't fight." On the last words you wave your hands. Your power knocks the cup into the sink.

"Damn it, not again." You then calm yourself down. "Well, at least the cup went into the sink."

Dark looks at you confused. "Wait, what just happened? Did you do that?"

"Yes that was me. I seemed to have developed telekinesis. However, I don't have much control over it. And since I talk with my hands, that happens. Nikki is supposed to take me to a friend who can help me control them. She apparently met this guy at a hockey game."

"Y/N I have been wanting to talk to you about her. You can't see her. As I sensed a power in you, I feel one on her. Though hers isn't as strong."

Gears start turning in your mind. "Then she has a bloodline that goes back several generations too. But not as far as mine. Now I really need to talk to her." You go to head over to her apartment.

"Y/N, I forbid you to talk to her. This I command." Your tattoo glows black.

"I don't care, you are not gonna stop me from seeing her. If it wasn't for her, I would be dead." You go out of your apartment, and the mark glows brighter.

Each step you take, makes the mark burn more and more. You stop in front of her door. You hand feels like it is on fire. As you reach for the handle, you hear glass starting to crack. The pain is almost unbearable.

You wrap your hand around the handle. You hear glass breaking, like a cup falling to the ground. The marks glow turns from black to (fav color)

You go in, and call her. She comes out to you. "What's up?"

"Everything, I don't even know where to begin."

At that moment, Dark busts in. "What did you do? How did you shatter my command?"

"I don't know, I just wasn't gonna stop you from letting me talk to her."

He looks at her then back to you. You knew what he was thinking. "If she is going to become such a problem for us, then I guess I have to get rid of her."

You step up to him. "I don't think so." You then look into the shadows. "Ivy, take her away until I call again."

From the shadows, a lean female demon comes out. "As you wish, my lord." She grabs Nikki, and runs past Dark.

You smile evily at Dark. "Sorry, but telekinesis isn't the only power I have. I also seem to have power over low level demons."

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