The Troubles Begin

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Dark comes up beside you, limping. She sees him, and her face brightens. "Dark, thank God your fine."

She takes a step forward. You move before you even know what you are doing. You stand protectively in front of Dark. "Back off, he is mine."

Her faces fills with anger. "No, he is mine. We were running away from Sarah."

Your arms drop. "Where have I heard that name before? And what does this have to do with..." Your mind comes up with an idea. But to make sure... "Is your name Naomi?"

She seems startled. "Yes. How did you know?"

Dark grabs you. "Do you know her?"

"Oh God, this is worse than I thought. We are in danger. To answer you Dark, in a way. Get everyone else out here. I am not explaining this several times."

He limps into the house. You look at Naomi. "Its all starting to make sense. But why your dimension? And why didn't your Dark come with you? And why Sarah of all people?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I will explain once every one gets out. This is all part of a bigger picture, I am trying to piece it together." You kneel beside Mark. "Healing light."

He awakens. "Wow, what happened?"

"Give me a moment Mark, I will explain." You help him up. "I am so sorry, because of a mistake I made, I am putting you in pain. I almost wish I never went to ComiCon."

He puts his hand on your cheek. "Don't say that. Your my brother, I wouldn't change anything. Now that I have you back, you aren't leaving."

You see the rest of the group come out. "Thanks Mark. Jack, support Mark." He comes over, and takes your place.

"Ok, we all know about the magical vacuum slash portal in Mark's head. Well the portal connected our dimension with Naomi's. She is from a a dimension where everything that happened in a fanfiction took place. The greatest evil, Death herself, will arrive here."

Dark looks at you. "How do you know all this?"

"The fanfic is the one I have been reading for my channel. Shh, Dark is Here. And the most dangerous person is coming."

You look at Naomi. "I guess you can sleep on the couch. Please don't run. Even though you may not fight, I sense we will need you."

She shrugs her shoulders. "That's fine. You seem to be my only option at this point."

She heads in, along with most of the others. You feel hands come around you. "Why do you think she came through?"

"It could be that she is the messenger. I have a feeling her Dark is here too. I need to find him. These two are the only ones here to have fought Sarah."

"Do you want me to come with?"

"I do need your support, but what would happen. You will meet an alternate dimension you. You could go insane, both of you could morph together, or nothing. I will let the choice to you."

He pulls away, and spreads his wings. Does that answer your question?

You spread your wings, and take off. "Yes it does." You and Dark fly together, looking over the city. "For him to separate from Naomi, there has to be a natural portal."

You look around, but don't find him. Dark comes up with a great idea. "What about the Dead Land?"

"Of course, and it makes sense. You are brilliant." You change direction.

"Why does that make sense?"

"The reason the Dead Land is a dead land. It's a natural energy fountain. Powers like mine, and Magic, use energy in its purest form. The energy there is so pure, so strong, that nothing can live there. If someone got lost in a portal, this area could become a natural portal."

"What ever you say."

"Hey, I'm a nerd. Trust me."

You get to the barren land. No life exists, not even a weed. You feel the energy around you, the air humming with power.

You see a person of the ground, and run over to him. You see a splitting image of your dark. You focus your senses, and find out he is still alive. You pick him up, which is really easy now.

You see your Dark looking at you. "I still can't believe you are strong now. Its kinda hot, actually."

You roll your eyes, and take to the sky. "Come on, we gotta go."

"What, no comeback?" You hear the smirk in his voice.

"It not that, i just value my life more than a comeback. If we don't move, we will end up like him."

Neither of you talk on the way back. When you get home, you lay the unconscious Dark on a chair. Naomi comes up to him. "Is he gonna be ok?"

"Yes. His pulse and breathing are steady. However, it will be a day or two until he wakes. He has in an area of pure energy. I think he was there too long, and his body couldn't handle it."

You look at your Dark. "I think while he is here, we should call you by D. As that is your brand. We need a way to differentiate you two. Also, try to keep you interactions with him to a minimum. With him being an alternate dimension you, we don't know how having two Darks in one dimension will work."

Lets hope he wakes. I don't want to tell them, but he probably won't take up. His soul may have been shredded by the energy, but it is too soon to tell.

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