Between Worlds

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You dream of spirits trapped in a building. Though they stay to keep a danger at bay. The leader jumps on you in a room. "Alright, you got me. I give up."

The heavy creature gets off of you. You hear it speak in a deep, gruff voice. "You gotta come in person. We would love to actually meet you. Bring friends with you."

"Maybe some day I can. I would love to." You start to fade away. "Well, guess I will see you later. Tell the others I said bye.

You awaken in your bed, with Dark's arms around you. You slip out of his grip, and go make some breakfast. While you are making some pancakes for everyone, you sense an energy behind you.

You swing around, speaking while turning. "Shadow Hammer."

Your own shadow turns into a large, flat hammer. It forms moments before connecting with Dark's face.

He falls to the floor. You stand there, but let the hammer return to the shadows. "This scene seems very familiar. Asshole."

He grunts as he stands up. "I'm the asshole? You just hit me with a hammer. But I will say, you're getting better with that spell."


You hear his voice in your head. What happened to you last night?

You sigh. "She is here in our world. Death kidnapped me. But I escaped."

"Are you gonna tell the rest?"

"No. They deserve a break. We have all worked so hard. They need a break, all of our nerves have been on edge."

But what if she attacks us?

"She won't. I had to take on my demon form to escape. She was caught off guard by it. Now that she knows of my lineage, she has to rethink her plan."

People start coming down as you finish the last pancake. In fact, everyone comes down. "Eat light, I have a plan for lunch."


Nikki looks at you, the first one ready, besides yourself. "So, where are we going?"

You smile. "A place I found that is actually mystical. You will find out soon, once the others are ready."

You go to a closet, standing a few feet away. You point at the bottom left corner of the door. "I wish to give them a special treat, so let's go to a place to eat. In between worlds is this place, given life in cyberspace."

For each line you say, you outline a side of the door. As you finish, the frame glows dimly. The dim dies as the others come down.

"Alright we are going to a special place. Now Jack, I know this will be hard for you, but no yelling. Our hosts don't like very loud noises. Especially screaming, at least not in person."

You open the door, which leads to a long hallway. You left everyone step though before yourself. Once you close the door, you take the lead. The lights are pretty dim, but you don't need them. You eyes adjust, your demonic side helping you. You still can't see far, but you know this place well.

You lead them down the hall, which you stop at the end of. The hall opens to a large room, which you know to be the dinning area. You all hear a voice, but you know it is directed at you.

"Yarr, who be there?" It pauses then speaks again. "Y/N, matey, that you?"

You smile. "In the flesh this time. I also brought some friends." You speak a little louder, making sure not to trigger certain events. "We could use some lights in the main room."

You hear some noises deep in the building, and lights turn on in the center. You still can't see the other side though.

"Have ye explained the rules?"

"Not yet, I figured I would once we sit down."

You led them to a table, and you all sit down. "Now like I said, don't scream. I will say, our hosts are spirits. Rules of playing with a ouija board are in play here. No asking of death. Never go off alone. Do not go outside of the building. And do not destroy any walls."

You hear a new voice. A female, sounding to be mid twenties. "Y/N. I am, like, so happy to see you. And I see you brought friends, how wonderful. The big guy will be like totally happy. How you doing sweets."

"Same as last night. Though even better since I am here in person."

Dark looks at you, giving a concerned look. "What, I have been here a few times in my dreams. This place was once a real place. When it was destroyed, it still lived on. We are in between the mortal world and the closest level of the shadow realm.

I can come here since I can travel between the realms easily."

You hear a new voice, this one a male teenager. "Dude, you're here. And you have friends with. I can't wait to get this party started."

You stand up, and walk towards the edge of the light. "Now that three have been heard. I think its time."

You turn to your friends. "All I have is one question. Are you guys ready? Ready for..." You pause, adding to the suspense. "Freddy."

Right after you finish, all the lights turn on. They reveal the restaurant of the first game.

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