Flouffy Revenge

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"You said it would take a day, its been three. Why isn't he awake?"

You feel your nails start to turn into claws. Control yourself. You calm yourself down, and speak. "How many times do I have to tell you, I don't know. I know what I said, but it was all my best guess. This hasn't happened before, I have no idea what is going on. My original fear is non existent. His soul is still here."

You think for a moment. Wait a minute, he has powers. I have been going about this the wrong way.

"D, hit him your Shadow Blast."

"How will that help?"

"He has powers. The Dead Land basically stripped him of his powers, which he needs. Think of it as a battery, it needs to be jump started."

What ever you say.

Dark hits his counterpart with a burst of shadows. The unconscious body absorbs the energy, using it. As soon as the body takes in the attack, the demon becomes conscious. "Naomi, your safe."

You speak. "Sorry to interrupt, but Naomi, now that we found him, you can leave if you want. I won't hold you here, and if you want to stay, you can." You turn to the crowd. "Come on guys, lets leave them alone for now."

You walk up the stairs, heading to your room. When you open the door, a bucket of water fall on you. "The FUCK." You look at the bucket, which has a pixelated M on it. "MAAARRRRK. I AM GONNA GET YOU FOR THIS." And I have the perfect plan.

Nikki comes over to see what happened. All she says is two words. "Oh no."

You then hear her in your head. Don't do it. Remember your promise.

"Oh, I have an even better plan. But it isn't dangerous, so don't worry."

You slam your door, and start changing. You don't see, or even sense Dark coming in. You bend over, rummaging in a drawer. You hear a whistle, then his voice. "I could get used to that view."

You snap your fingers, and he flies onto the bed. "Not now." You finished getting dressed. You then pick up your wet clothes, and throw them in your hamper. "He is so gonna rue this. You do not prank me."

Time for some reading. You grab your Spellbook, and start to head out. Dark gets up to follow you. You look over at him, and see his sweats have a large tent in them. He must have REALLY enjoyed that view.

You smile. "Might want to get rid of that first."

You continue to walk down the hall, and you hear the door close. You smile wider. At least I know the feeling is mutual.

You go out to the hammock, and lay on it. You flip through your book of spells. "Lets see, what can I use?"

You look all through it, but can't find one spell to do what you want. "I can cast spells, so my powers are some sort of magic. Or at least have some connection to magic. One key part of magic, is you can create spells on the fly. Am I able to do that?"

You look around, and see a wilted flower in a shadow. You think of a spell quickly, going by the cheesy was of spells. You point at the flower as you chant. "You are no longer part of the energy flow, so my shadows will let you grow."

A small wisp of shadow flows from your hand. It enters the flower, which seems to become a little more vibrant. It also seems to stand up a little better.
"But I bet my spells have to involve shadows, since my powers focus on them."

You hear a loud moan in your head. Yyy/nnn. You can't help it, and you just up laughing out loud. "That I wasn't expecting."

You put the book down, and look up into the sky. "Not even a year ago, I went to ComiCon. To have a friend like Nikki, who paid that for me. I am one lucky guy. How much ones life can change is amazing."

"Did you just say I am amazing?"

You look at Dark, who has decided to make an appearance. "No, but you are. I was just thinking, it hasn't even been a year since that day. The day I met Mark, and you."

"But how, I didnt reveal myself until later."

"You forget, I could see you in him."

"Oh yea. I forgot about that. Hey, I wanted to ask, what's this plan of yours?"

Your eyes twinkle with revenge. "Well Mark has become attached to his flouf. It would be such a shame if it went bye bye."

"Evil plan, I like it. You know, I wish I would have found you sooner."

~~lets do the time warp again~~

So how do you plan on doing this?

You and Dark Shadowjump to Mark's room.

Casting a simple spell. This way, I can undo it if need be.

But I thought you didn't have a spell in your book for that?

I don't, but it will work.

You walk over to Mark, and place your hand above his head. In your head, you imagine his hair the way it looked at the beginning. You whisper as quiet as you can.

"In love and war, all is fair; so please my shadows, cut his hair."

His hair fades into the shadows, returning to the fohawk. You hear Dark's voice in your head. I hope you don't keep him like that. We both can't have the fohawk.

Yes you can, but don't worry. After the the convention tomorrow, I will turn him back to normal. Also, you look hotter with the fohawk, it just fits you better.

You go back to your room, and both you and Dark go to bed. "Tomorrow morning will be exciting."

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