The Body is Made

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You blush on the last question. "And last question. How big... is your dick."

Mark is flabbergasted by your question. He doesn't even answer, but asks his own question. "Why must you know all this?"

"Well keep it a secret from Dark. I plan on making a body for him. I want to make one close to what he is used to. I mean, he won't be an exact copy to you, but he will he similar."

"And why exactly should I let you do that?"

You hold up your hand with the brand. "Dark's fate is intertwined with mine. Plus I would think you would like to have your body to yourself."

He thinks for a moment. "A solid nine. straight as an arrow. Diameter of one point five."

It takes you a moment to figure out what he meant. Well, it matches what I saw. "Thanks. And just saying, I knew you were big. But I didn't realize that big."

You stand up. "Oh and I also need some of your blood. Come with me."

You go to your room, where you have a board set up. Mark comes in after you. You go to the closet, and pull out the jar of powder. You pour out the powder onto the board. You summon a knife out of the shadows.

You slit you wrist, just enough to let some blood come out. You give the knife to mark. He does the same, but hesitates before doing so. Both of you hold your arms above the powder.

You let your heart think of what to say. "Blood of the host, help mold the body."

Three drips of blood fall from Mark's wrist. Where they fall, the powder becomes moist. The wetness spreads fast, as if the powder is creating more blood on its own.

"The blood in my body, you are twice as strong, two reasons to be used. Give this clay the power that is needed."

Blood falls from your wrist and does what happened before. As the powder becomes clay, it starts to grow. Once all of the powder turns to clay, it has reached the mass of a human body.

Mark gets up and starts to leave. "I will need you later. Once I have the body ready, I need you to be in the room to extract Dark from you."

"Just call me when you need me."

Mark leaves the room. You start to focus on molding the clay. Matching it to your dreams. You work on it for hours.

Everything is set, except for... You mold a decent bulge. There that should do it. He won't be as long as Mark, but he will be a little thicker. Close to what he is used to, but different.

You pull out the other two jars. "Heart of the lover's bloodline, give the body life. Bone of the performer's ancestor, give the body support."

The items are absorbed by the clay. Something about that sight gives you the creeps.

You call Mark, and he comes in. "The body is finished, the last thing I need is Dark."

Mark looks at the body, then back at you. "First off, you worked fast. Second, what do you need me to do?"

"Just lay down on the bed and close your eyes. This may take a while."

He does what you said, and you get ready. You stand in the middle, between the bed and the clay. I have to use my own body as a conduit. This will be fun.

You lift up your hands as you close your eyes. You feel your powers vibrate inside you. You feel your mark glow.

"My powers, hear my cry. Two souls inhabit one body, where only one can exist. Pull out the soul of Darkness."

A strange white energy surrounds Mark. The mist pulls out a dark energy, which flows towards you. The energy, enters your body. You feel the soul start to attach to your body.

"Soul of Darkness, you do not belong. You have a body of your own. Leave mine, it isn't yours. Enter the one that that was made."

The spirit leaves your body through your other hand. It flows to the clay and enters it. Your mark stops glowing. You fall to your knees, and your vision fades. "Goodnight."

You dream of a lake, your body basking in the sunlight at the edge. You sense someone sit beside you. "Be careful. You keep using up most of your energy. Your body can regenerate the power, but not forever. One day, you may drain yourself of your very life. But I must thank you. You have given my twin a life he has longed for."

He vanishes without a trace. You sit there, enjoying the dream sun. Maybe I'm not strong enough. It just seems like my mind is ready, but my body is not.

"If I would have been told five years ago that I would get powers, I would have laughed. I almost wish my powers had awoken a long time ago."

The field starts to fade. Guess its time to wake up. Your eyes open. You find yourself on your bed. That's weird, I fell asleep on the floor.

You see your door is open. You look to see Mark, standing with someone who looks almost like a twin. He has facial hair, styled like Mark's. His facial features are sharper, making his face more angular. He stands three inches taller than your brother.

His short black hair looks like Mark's from his early days. He wears a black vest, which is open. He is more muscular than Mark, something you can clearly see by looking at his abs. He has brown jeans on, ones that show of his physique, but leave room for imagination.

In other words, everything you expected. Not only does it fit your dreams, but also some of the fanfics you have read.

"Not bad, even if I do say so myself. You like it?"

Dark smiles. God, for as hot as Mark is, Dark is just that much hotter.

His voice is lower than what you are used too. Not much, but just enough that you notice it. "Actually yes. It's just strange. Something I have to get used to, but thanks."

He comes over and hugs you. Your nose picks up a new scent. Like a forest at night. He smells wonderful, and he is mine.

Falling Into Dark (Dark X Male!reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon