History of Dark

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Dark: come on, when can I get to torture the reader?

Me: not yet, it ain't time yet.

Dark: Fine. I'll just attack you.

Mark: you wouldn't dare.

Dark: *pulls out a knife*

Me: dear god... do that and I delete the story

Dark: *puts away knife*

Mark: and onto the story we go

You unplug your laptop, and bring it with you. "Have you got some explain it to do." You whisper.

You open the door, and see mark standing there. You give him your classic 'Really' stare. He just laughs and walks in.

"So you watched that part. I wish I could have seen your face."

You scowl. "I saw it right now, you said you would be here by noon, and there was a knock at my door."

He laughs at you. Looks down and sees the tattoo. "Hey, when did you get a tattoo?"

"Uh... um... how do I put this. I don't know how. Did you rewatch your live stream?"

"Uh no. Why?"

You sigh, opening your computer. "You really don't remember. About a half hour into it will explain."

You pull up the part where Dark took control. As he watches it, a terrified look flashes on his face, then disappears. He pauses it and looks at you. You then explain both dreams. As you finish telling the second dream, you hold up your hand.

"He branded me. I don't know what it totally means, but I know it means I am his. He said I won't be able to fight him anymore." You start to cry. "Why? Every time something good happens in my life, it gets ruined. A fucking demon owns me. A demon."

Mark hugs you, trying to calm you down. You just cry, letting years of pain come out. You hear Mark's heartbeat, the gentle beat calming you down. After forty minutes of crying, you look up at him and smile.

"You know, I'm the older brother. I'm supposed to be your calming influence, not the other way around."

You chuckle at his laugh. "That may be true, but even the strong need the occasional shoulder. Besides, you no longer have to be strong all the time. You have a family now. Don't worry about Dark. He can't come out very often, and I think you will be able to put him into his place."

He stops for a few moments, studying you. "I think he is right, you have something others don't. He has tried this with others, but no one has lasted this long. You're the only one to even try to put up a fight."

You speak in a soft voice. "The only reason I fight is that is what I have done all my life. You could evend say not backing down and fighting is my life." Your voice starts to get stronger, your hope coming back. "I refuse to give up. And I'm not gonna back down for a damn demon. If he wants me, he is in for a fight."

You then wonder, how did he come to be?

"Mark, how did he come to life?"

He sighs. "Well, I have always a darker side. When fans learned about it, they named it and it grew. They believed he was real, and when many people believe... the idea becomes real. His goal has always been to be free, but I do my best to hide him."

So he is real because of the fans... just think, I used to be one of them. Now I wish I could stop him.

Mark clears his throat, bringing you back to reality. You look at him, a wide smile on his face.

"Now for the reason I came here. Y/N, you are moving in with me."

You smile excitedly, then frown. "Oh, Mark. I would love to, but I can't. I can't just leave Nikki. She helped me through my darkest times, and is my best friend."

"I thought you would say that, so I also invited her, and she agreed. The apartment beside me was for rent, so I rented it for her. At least until she can get her own."

You scream with joy, hugging mark tightly. Then gasp. "Oh my God, i have so much packing to do.

~~Lets do the Time Warp~~

You walk into Mark's apartment. Knowing it well from the pictures he showed you. You look back at mark, seeing him struggle with all of the bags you had. You sigh. There are still so many boxes yet. Why did I have to have so much stuff.

He carries all the bags to the guest room. When he comes back out, you stare at him. "I told you to wait until I went to the bathroom. Just because I am your brother, doesn't mean you have to do everything."

"And I told you I would take care of it. You are moving into my home, so you listen to me."

You smile, a thought in mind. "Fine, but I am helping with the boxes." With that, you bolt down to the lobby and to the van.

Once you bring everything inside your room, you two are exhausted. Mark grabs your wrist.

"Now I have to tell you, if Dark takes control, hide in your room. I had it blessed by a priest that knows my situation. As long as the door stays locked, you shouldn't have a problem."

You hug him, still confused by the whole thing. "Thanks Mark. Even though I have to deal with him, at least I have my brother. I just find it dumb that I ran into him." You giggle. "And if what you say is true, and some powers in fanfics are real. Then I have an advantage. I know some of his powers, so then I may be able to resist some."

You let go of Mark, and walk to your room. You yell back at him without turning around. "Mark, I'm gonna take a nap, wake me up in two hours."

He doesn't answer. "Mark, did you hear me?" You turn around as you open your door. You gasp as you see him twitching. His eyes turn black, and he smiles evily.


He runs toward you. In turn, you scream and run into your room. You slam the door and lock it. Dark starts banging on it.

"Open the damn door. Let me in."

"Why should I? Because you say so? Hell to the no. You can march your little demonic ass back to the corner in Mark's mind you came from."

"If you won't do it voluntarily, I will force you. Which will it be?"

You back up to the window, planning an escape. "I fought you all this time, do you really think I'm gonna stop now. In your dreams, you demonic dumbass."

You hear him huff in anger. "If that's how you want to play." He clears his throat. "Y/N, I command you to open this door."

His command resonates in your mind. The tattoo glows in a black light. You feel your body walking towards the door.

A/N so, what do you guys think. Am I rushing too fast. Am I skipping something important. Or am I doing alright. What do you guys think?

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