Hidden Aurian

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His claws stop an inch away from your chest. He looks at you, his eyes unfocused. "Y/N." He stumbles back, his body returning to normal. He starts to fall, and you rush to his side.

"Dark! Don't worry, I got ya."

You hold his weight, which is rather surprising. You carry him to the couch. Everybody comes out of your room. You hear Mark. "Is he ok?"

"Yes. He is hurt. But he should be fine."

You then notice one of his wings is broken. "Ok, maybe not. Mom, get out here."

She comes out, and takes one look at Dark. "There is nothing I can do."

All of a sudden, you hear a really strange, but familiar sound. A random cardboard box appears in your living room. A guy steps out. His vivid orange shirt complements his deep blue eyes. He has glasses, ones that are like yours, but seem to have a more intricate design. If anyone could be nerdier than you, it was him.

He speaks in a relatively high voice. "Blasted thing. Why did you bring me here?" He rolls his eyes. "Does it matter? We went in the totally opposite direction. She wanted us to be there, at that specific time. And yes I know you can time travel... but it's the principle." He pauses, as if listening to something. "Fine. But I don't see why. God you can be bossy."

He walks outside our apartment, to the balcony, then back in. I block him. "Are you gonna explain who you are, and what you are doing."

He smiles. The way he does it, seems familiar. "Oh I am sorry. My common name is The Traveler. But I go by Bill in this current form. Sorry my ship had traced something here." He looks toward the box. "Its not here, we missed it. Maybe we will catch it next time. But that is fine by me. I had to regenerate after last time we saw him. I actually like this form."

His words click in your head. "You're a time lord." You think back to a person you had met right before your court issues. "Your him. That guy who picked me up from my parents house, after the fire. I assume that was a different you though."

"Yes it was. Nice to see you are doing good. Well I better be on my way."

He steps in his Tardis, and it disappears with the noise. Ok. Totally random. You focus your attention to Dark. "There has got to be a spell."

You hold out your hand, and the book flies out of the wall. You open the book, and flip through it. You find a healing spell, though it is in one of the other languages. You can't seem to speak it. Maybe saying it in English will work.

You hold your hands a few inches away from the break. Your mark glows, along with your eyes in a white light. You imagine his bone repairing itself. "Healing light."

Your hands glow in a warm light. You sense the energy repairing Dark. Once the bone is healed, your spell stops. You hear your mom. "That's not possible. You shouldn't be able to do that."

You let Dark sleep. You stand up and look at Raziel. "What do you mean?"

"Let me explain. Your father had powers of his own. They didn't pass through blood, like ours. One of his ancestors saved an angel, who bestowed powers on the family. The only time they could use them, was when they proved themselves. But those who have demon blood can't use aurian powers."

"Well I did. And before my battle with Dark, my eyes turned bright white."

She gasps. "The sign of the Blessed. But how?"

We all hear a new voice, like a deep bell ringing in the air. "I can answer that." An angelic man shimmers into the room. You recognize him, even though you have only see him once. And even then, only in a picture.


He smiles at you. "That's right." He looks at your mom. "Hey there, Razzberry."

She speaks. "Really, I thought I told you not to call me that. What are you doing here? Aren't you breaking the rules?"

"Actually no. The rule was I can't reveal myself until he proves himself. Which he has."

You speak up. "Someone please explain what is going on. What did I do?"

Your dad looks at you. "You have proven yourself. Not only to allow me to come into your life, but also to use your Aurian powers. When you received the sign of the Blessed, which I might add is a very high honour to hold, that was a sign you have proven yourself."

Mom looks surprised. "But that would mean... who was it? There is only a few that hold that power."

"The twin. But he was given the ok to do so."

The twin? What, Light? I guess it does make sense.

"That still does explain why I can use aurian powers when I am not supposed to."

"Basically, there is a loophole. That would be true, if the powers were passed through blood. But my family is an exception. You can use aurian powers because the family was blessed with them, not born with them."

"Makes sense. At least as everything else has." Your vision flashes. Great. Another Damn vision.

You see Mark on the ground, a figure standing over him. You can tell it is a girl, one who has battled before. Her black hair is in a ponytail. She looks at you. She speaks in garbled words. "Coming. Death. Must lose."

Your vision shifts, showing you Brit in her room at home. She looks around, staring at the vivid pink room. "Of course, all of the colors to be stuck with. I have to be stuck with pink."

The vision ends, your sight returning to normal. Your mom knows what happened. "What did you see?"

You go to answer, when you hear Dark moan. You turn around to see him leaning up. "Dark!" You rush over to him, and give him a hug. "I hope your ok."

His words come out in grunts. "Hugging... crushing... me..."

You loosen you hug. "Sorry, It seems since I went into my demon mode, I have gotten stronger."

I'm just happy to know you are ok.

A/N So I recently started getting into Doctor Who. I have seen the 10th, 11th, and 12th doctors so far. I like the tenth the best so far. But anyway, I thought I could introduce myself as a time lord. Why not, not like this story is in the real world. And you will see more of me.

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