Starting Things

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You wake up facing Dark, but still in his embrace. You stare at his beautiful face. I almost wish I hadn't created a body for him. He is everything that I wanted. But I need to control myself.

You see his eyes open. "Morning there."

"Morning Darky. I was thinking. Do you mind helping me train later? I need to master more powers, and get used to fighting."

"Like what powers? Don't you have enough?"

"Not necessarily powers, but I have casted some spells. Like shadow weapon, light sword. I need to build up my stamina."

I don't see why not. I may be able to even teach you some hand-to-hand combat. You can't rely on your powers all the time.

You get up, though you don't want to leave his embrace. "Just letting you know, that was the best sleep i ever had." You make your way downstairs. You get down just in time, the second moving truck just arrived. You yell as loud as you can. "ALRIGHT, EVERYBODY GET DOWN HERE. LAST OF OUR STUFF HAS ARRIVED."

You go out and talk to the driver. You sign a paper, and he opens up the truck. You grab your first box and head inside. You set it in the living room. No one has come down yet.

Dark, start causing a ruckus. I am not asking a second time.

Next thing you know, you start hearing thurs from upstairs. The first to appear is Mark. "Really, you had to have Dark shove me out of the room?"

"If one of you had been down here, I wouldn't have." You hear more movement down the steps. Everyone comes down.

"Ok go out and grab your stuff. Don't worry about putting anything away, just take your stuff to your rooms. I want a house meeting afterwards to lay a few rules down."

You hear Jack speak. "Where can I put my recording stuff?"

"We should have enough room for you in the office. So you can put your stuff there."

With that you all head to the truck. You bring in all the stuff that goes downstairs, such as plates and furniture. Once all that is in, you start getting your own stuff. As you take the boxes in, you Shadowjump up to your room. Mark sees you come out of the wall.

"Hey that's not fair. You should suffer with us."

"Sorry, I am doing this for a reason. I need to start training."

You all continue pulling out boxes until the truck is empty. You see off the driver, and thank him for helping. Once everyone is ready, they come down to the living room.

"I will make this simple. Everyone is to take care of their own trash, and clean up their stuff. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays we will have a group dinner. I will make a rotation of who cooks. I will also put in a rotation of who does the dishes.

Once a month, we are to do a major house cleaning. We have seven people in this house, so everyone will have their own day to do wash. If you forget on your day, you must ask the person whose day it is. Untill I get a chance to make a room for recording, Mark, Jack, and I will share the office in Mark's room.

Keep friends to a minimum. With two demons, four including myself and Anti, we can't have those that don't known around here. I will figure out specifics as we move on. Is there any questions?"

No one speaks, so you assume no. "Enjoy yourselves. Get used to the house, explore. There are many secrets this house holds. Many of them Brittany and I found ourselves. Dark, lets go."

Both of you head outside. Mark follows you. "What do you think you are doing?"

He speaks, his voice is filled with excitement. "I want to watch. I want to see Dark get his ass whooped."

"Fine. Just make sure you stay safe. So Dark, what do you want me to do first?"

"Tell me, maybe even show me what this shadow weapon spell is."

"Well, basically, I temporarily created a weapon out of the shadows. But it can only be certain weapons, and I can't Shadowjump while the spell is active."

You focus on a sword in your hands. "Shadow weapon, sword." You sense your own shadow rapidly travel to your hand, forming the sword. The sword, even though it is a shadow, has a decent weight. Nothing you can't handle.

The sword is about two feet long. The blade is paper thin, which doesn't match with the weight. The last inch comes to a triangular point. You see Dark launch a big log at you. You slice at it, using the sword as an extension of your arm.

You hear a slight burning sound as the blade cuts though it, and the log splits. The halves fly past you. "Well, you have decent control of the sword. Just a small tip. I saw you treat it as an extension of yourself, but you did it wrong. It is an extension, but it is more like... Basically, you want your hand to act as your elbow. The sword is a new creation of your arm, not an extended part."

"Makes sense."

You let the sword disappear. "I always saw it as a Vorpal Hand spell, like from Adventure Time."

You look over at Mark. "Oh my God. MARK!"

You see him hunched over, on his knees. You run over to him, with Dark right behind you. Mark clutches his head, but doesn't say anything. Next thing you know, both you and Dark are getting thrown back by a shockwave.

You body slams into a tree three feet above the ground, which you fall to. You feel a leg has broken, along with a cracked rib. Your vision starts to dim from the pain. No, I can't. I must get up.

You try, but the pain stops you. You almost black out a second time, but you hang on. You concentrate, and your eyes turn white. You feel the sunshine heal your body, which glows with the light from the sun. Your eyes return to normal, and you stand up.

You look to Mark, and see a girl standing over him. "Get away from him." You start to walk over.

She turns around, and you stop dead in your tracks. "N..No this can't be." You saw her before, in your vision.

Falling Into Dark (Dark X Male!reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ