Marking a Deal with Anti

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You look around, and see no one around. You are in the middle of what seems to be a run down town. The buildings are falling apart. "I don't understand, there is no light at all. Yet I can see perfectly fine. How can I see without light."

Razzi appears beside you. You look over, and see her eyes seem to glow in a light that is indescribable. "Like I said, you have the power of demons in your blood. More specifically, a very strong demon."

"I still don't understand how. I have powers by Mark doesn't. Tom doesn't either."

You start to walk down the dark road. "I also don't understand how I am here. No mortal should be able to come here, yet here I am. Though it is true I am not normal."

She follows behind you. "All will be explain in time. I wish I could tell you, but I have orders not to."

You stop and turn around. "On whose orders?"

She avoids you eyes. "I really wish I could tell you, but I can't. All I can say is my boss has given me orders not to tell. He did say I can lead you on the right direction. When you get a chance, you need to talk to your mom. Tell her I said it is time."

"Wait, you talked to her?"

"Yes, but only recently. She wanted to talk to me. I used to be her guardian. She doesn't need me anymore, so I became yours. But she still calls for me when she needs someone to talk to."

You look around, hoping for something to do. You don't want to talk about this here. "Look, I wanna talk about this later. I want to explore down here. I will call you if need be."

She looks at you, then disappears. You walk around down the road, being cautious. After a while, you start to hear voices. As you get closer, you notice them coming out of an alley. You quickly hide behind a big trash dumpster.

You hear a voice speak in an Irish accent. (A/N I don't know how to write in that accent... so just use your imagination.) "I don't care what he says. I only take orders from my boss, which he isn't. Besides, if the legends are true, I don't wanna get involved. Now for the last time, leave me alone."

You finally recognize the voice, though it isn't as loud, and is more rough than normal. Since this is the Shadow Realm, I know exactly who it is.

You step out from behind the dumpster as soon as you sense the other demon leave. "I would assume you are Anti."

He turns around, and is a splitting image of Jack. "Yeah, what's it to you?"

You smile. Oh boy, I get to piss off another demon. "I just wanted to know, confirm my suspicion. So tell me, why are you here? And not in the mortal realm?"

His eyes seem to flare with a sickly green fire. "You should know, every demon know why I am still stuck here." He squirts at you, and steps towards you. "Though you don't look like a demon."

As he gets closer, you imagine yourself on the other side of him. You step back, and find yourself exactly where you thought. He spins around, looking for you.

"How did you do that, no demon has that kind of power."

"Its cause I'm not a demon. I am a mortal, with few demonic powers."

"How did you get here? Even with demonic powers, you shouldn't have been able to come here."

You see him start to sit down, and a bench appears under him. He pats the bench beside him. You don't move, knowing better than to trust him. With all the fanfics you have read...

He speaks, patting the bench again. "I may be evil, but I am truly interested. I have a feeling we may be able to help each other."

You sigh. "Fine, but try anything, and I shove you ass further into the Shadow Realm."

You sit next to him, but keep your distance. "How I got here, I don't know the full story. But I was spying on someone, and they knew I was there. I was so embarrassed, and I knew he couldn't come here. Since I could Shadowjump, why couldn't I go here to escape Dark."

"Wait, you know Dark? How?"

I don't know why I am telling him this, but I feel like I should. That he plays an important part in what's to come.

"It's a long story, and best if I start from my childhood."

You practically tell him your life story.
"I know both him and Mark love me. And find myself falling in love with both of them. But Dark shares Marks body, and Mark is my brother." You gasp. "That's it. That's why he can't come here. He is tethered to Mark, and Mark doesn't have the ability to."

You go silent. Trying to think things out. Anti doesn't talk to you, or even move.

After a while, Anti grabs your shoulder. "Y/N you must get me to the mortal world. If you help me, I will do anything you want."

You think for a while, then come up with an idea. You smile. "On one condition including the anything I want. You have to antagonize Dark."

He smiles back at you. "That's a bloody brilliant idea. So is it a deal?"

He holds out his hand, and you shake it. Your mark glows an eerie green. "Now I must warn you, if you don't hold up your end, you will die."

"Oh I have a plan. See you in the mortal world."

You go to get up, and he grabs your hand. "Your taking me, don't forget."

"Unfortunately, I don't know how to take you with. But I do have a plan. I just get my fans to believe in you more. See ya."

You walk forward, imagining that you are in your room. You feel yourself rise, and then out of the wall you come. You smile as you head to your equipment. "Time to read a few Anti fics."

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