The Spellbook

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You feel your psyche fall to the Shadow Realm. Your body appears to be a solid ethereal energy. You notice that your body has a spiked tail, along with small red hours.

"So that is whose blood I have. Interesting. This will help with my family research."

You walk around, waiting for you to wake up. "That does raise the question, why is my psyche down here."

You hear a voice right before you were hit on the head. "Cause I brought you down here." You black out.

You wake up tied to a chair. You look around to see a familiar figure. One you have only seen in dreams. His back is turned to you, but you can see the pink moustache ends.

"What the hell do you want with me, you fucking asshole?"

He turns around, his pink eyes studying you. "So your awake. Allow me to formally introduce myself. I am Wilford Warfstache. As for what I want, I want revenge. Because of you, I can't break out. But the person I truly hate is Dark. If he hadn't branded you, I could still break free. You could have still be with your family, just not owned by Dark. He actions tethered him to Mark."

You look at him with anger, your eyes turn into flames. You flick your hand. He goes flying out the door, which slams close once he is out. With another flick, the door locks. You concentrate on your ties, and they just into flames of strange color. They burn in the color of your eyes when angry.

"You will learn, I don't bow down to any demons. And you will learn, you don't mess with me."

He breaks down the door, a book open in his hands. He looks down, and chants something. A pink glittering orb flies towards you.

You reach out and grab the orb. You toss it to the side. He looks at you terrified. "You... you shouldn't be able to do that. What are you?"

You open your hands, and the book flies towards you. "A mortal who is a descendant of a strong demon. If you ruin my life again, I will kick your ass."

You run to the wall, and Shadowjump to your body.

You wake up in your bed. You feel the book in your hand. You move a little, and feel a body behind you. You look to see Mark sleeping in your bed with you. "MARK, WHAT THE HELL." You scream while shoving him out of bed.

He wakes up as he fall to the floor. He blushes as he looks at you. "Sorry, but it wasn't me. It was Dark, and he knew something was wrong. He tried and tried to wake you, but nothing happened. He used his power until he passed out."

"Thank God. Well, it that is the case, I am sorry for shoving you."

"Apology accepted. Now lets get out and talk about what happened."

You know what he meant. What happened with Anti. He heads opens the door to head out. "Fine, but give me time to wake up."

He closes the door. You are perfectly awake after that heart attack, but you need some time to look at what's in your hand.

You pull out the book, and see words in an old language. You know it to be Latin, and you can actually read it.

"Carminibus Antiquis. Ancient Spells. So this is a book of very old spells, maybe there is a spell to help me look into my family history. But I will have to look into that later."

You push it into the shadows, hiding it. You have learned to do this when you want to hide something.

You head out to find Mark, Nikki, and Jack waiting for you. You sit down beside Nikki on the sofa. Jack looks at you and speaks surprisingly quiet. "So why did you pull him out?"

You blush, remembering why you fled to the Shadow Realm. "Well. I..." You blush harder. "Dark um, embarrassed me. And I uh, fled to the Shadow Realm." You take a breath, and tell them of what happened. The deal you made with Anti. However, you tell them you felt threatened, so you just went with what Anti said.

"I kinda figured he would double cross me, but not that soon."

Mark looks at you. "But you didn't feel threatened with Dark. So why did you feel that way with Anti?"

"I don't know. He just feels more powerful, more chaotic. He just feels more evil. I can't control Dark that well, and he feels stronger than Dark. Besides, I feel as if we will need him. Something bad will happen, and we need all the help we can get."

Jack speaks up, quite loudly. Which is really his normal. "But how do you know he isn't the issue? Do you even know what this problem will be?"

"I have no clue what it will be, but I do know we will need a lot of power to defeat it. And unfortunately, me and Dark simply don't have enough power. I am still learning to control mine, and I don't know how much time we have until this problem happens."

But wait. You hear Nikki's voice in your head. She then speaks. "So you are saying we need this demon, who I might add is stronger than Dark, to join us."

"Yes I am, and I have no clue how to get him to help us. I am gonna do some research to see if there is a way. In fact, I am gonna go to that now."

You get up, and head to your room. You lock it, and mentally push a dresser in front of it. You hold out a hand, and the book flies out from the shadows. You open the book, to find out it has your name inside the front cover.

"So I apparently own the book now, or has it been meant for me."

You look to see an inscription on the first page. This time, in English. 'To my son, this book is for you. This book has been passed down through the generations of our family. It is now yours. I may be gone in life, but I watch over you in death. Keep this book safe. If it falls into the wrong hands, our entire legacy and work can fall apart. This book has powerful spells, spells that can destroy the universe. Love, Mom.'

"But wait, my mom is alive. And she doesn't have powers, or does she. I need to talk to her about this."

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