Nikki's brand

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You hear Dark's stomach growl. "You know, after using all that power, I could go for some food too. Why don't we go to that new diner down the street."

Hey Nikki, wanna go out for a bite?

Sure. Where are we going?

That new diner. Can you meet us there?

Sure, no problem.

"Well Nikki said she would meet us there."

You head the diner. You can't help but stare at Dark. He notices. "Like what you see?"

"Yes, and rather proud. I did an awesome job. You look like you could be Mark's brother. Though I do have one question. Do you need glasses at all? That wasn't something I planned on."

"Nope. I have perfect vision."

You arrive at the diner. You walk in, with the 'Arks behind you. The waitress at the booth smiles. Her voice is cheery. "How may I help you?"

"I'd like a table for four please. A friend is running late."

She takes you to your seats, which happens to be a booth. Both Dark and Marks sit across from each other. You sit beside Dark.

"I will be back to get your drinks."

Where are you?

In a booth near the front.

She comes in, and sits beside Mark. You see her look at Dark, then at you. Who is the hunky hot guy beside you?

She looks back at him, and notices his eyes. "No way, how is this possible?"

"Eh. There was a spell to create a body for him."

"That is awesome." She stops talking and touches he neck. You think nothing of it. As you go through dinner, you see a tattoo of Septic Sam.
Each time she pauses, you notice her touch it. Dark, watch Nikki. What she does seems familiar.

He watches her do it a couple times. It's a tattoo, maybe it is itchy. I don't see what is so familiar about it.

You agree with Dark, it could just be itchy. As you eat, you glance at your brand. Wait minute. Septic Sam tattoo. She touches it when she goes silent. That's what I did at first.

"Nikki, can I talk to you outside?"

"What's wrong?"

"Not in here, outside."

You both get up, and go around the building. "Listen, I am not mad. But why didn't you tell me. I need to know this kind of stuff." You were branded by Anti.

"So you saw. How did you know?"

"Well you were doing the same thing I did at first. To talk to him, you have to touch the mark. But why didn't you tell me?"

"He made me not tell. But if you found out on your own. That would free me of the command."

Well this will be fun. "Listen, I need you to get Anti to help us. As some point, a danger will be upon us. And if this world is to survive, we need him."

You focus in your mind, trying to look into the future. You see a glimpse of two Jacks, one biting Nikki where the mark is. You lose focus, and the vision stops. "And tell him if we make it, I will create a body for him. Now lets get back to dinner."

Both of you walk back in. When we get back to the apartment, you have to tell them.

You finish your food quickly. No sooner do you finish, your cell goes off. You look at the number. "Its been forever since I have seen this number."

You answer. "Hey girl! Its been forever since we talked. What's up with you?"

You hear the voice that you grew up with. "Nothing much right now. I have some awesome news for you, but I want to say it in person. I am in L.A. currently."

"That's awesome Brit. I am actually living in L.A. I am out with friends, but we will be leaving soon. You can meet me at our apartment."

You give her the address, then hang up. Dark looks at you confused. "Who was that?"

"Just my super awesome cousin. She and her mother where the exact opposite of my parents. For as mean as my parents were, they were just as nice."

Mark speaks up. "Why don't you go to the apartment, I will pay for this."

"Thanks, but I can't just take the car. Although, I could fly home. Sure, that's what I'll do. See ya."

You get up and head outside. You go behind the building, so that way you don't scare people. You imagine yours wings appearing, and they do. You launch yourself into the air.

So after you take off, you hear Dark right behind you. You turn around in the air, and see him flying. His wings are like what you saw in your dreams.

"Well, if your coming, lets go."

He zooms past you and yells. "Race ya."

You are so on. You pick up speed, and you find yourself right behind him. You follow his every move. But while you have had more practice, he is much more agile in the air.

He leads you straight to a building, pulling away at the last second. You imagine yourself on the other side, and you fly into the shadows. As soon as you enter the shadows, you fly out of the other side.

Thanks you just gave me the lead. You fly as fast as you can, which is fast enough to secure your victory.

You can't lose Dark, but he can't gain on you either. You land in the back of the complex, with Dark not far behind. "Nice use of your powers."

"Thanks. But that was more reflexive than anything."

You walk into the lobby to be tackled to the ground. "What is with everyone tackling me to the ground? Brit, please get off of me."

She does, and you stand up. Your sight is greeted by your beautiful cousin. Ok she isn't really my cousin. But as I said before, family isn't limited by blood.

She looks at Dark. "Who is this hottie?"

"Lets go up to my apartment. If I tell you, I want it to be just us."

Dark grabs your shoulder. "I don't think that is a good idea."

"Relax. I trust her. She was the sunshine in my cloudy life. Plus we never kept secrets."

Falling Into Dark (Dark X Male!reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz