Mom Tells the Truth

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I can't just call her, this is something that needs do be face to face. But it will take too long to drive, or even a fly on a plane. And it's too far for me to Shadowjump. "That's it, I can fly there."

All of a sudden, you hear banging on the door. Go away fuck head. The banging stops, but you hear the demonic voice you have started falling for. "Let me in, or get out here."

"No, I am planning something. I need to take a trip, and I have to do it alone."

"It isn't to the Shadow Realm, is it?"

You grab the book and a sweat jacket, and Shadowjump to the outside. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. You will have to wait till I come back.

You focus, and feel energy form and attach to your back. You look to see a pair of wings. The energy shimmering in the light. The energy soon shifts to the color of your eyes. You flap them a few times before taking off

You fly into the sky, and somehow know which direction to go. "This is weird, the wings feel as if they are a part of me. But they aren't. Its just energy." You fly rather fast, faster than you would have expected.

An hour and a half later, you land for something to eat. You fold your wings behind your back, and put on the jacket. The wings create bumps, but no one will know they are wings.

You go in a burger place, and place a rather large order. I never realized how hungry I would get from flying. Good thing is that I am over halfway there. Should be there in an hour once I take off.

You grab your order, and sit in the corner. As soon as you sit, your cell goes off. You answer it to find out it is Mark. You can tell he is worried. "Where are you? What are you doing?"

"Mark, calm down. I am at a burger place eating. I am on my way to see mom. I need to talk to her. I should be there in an hour once I leave."

"But how, it takes like four hours by plane to get there?"

"I decided to take my own flight path. Don't worry bro, I can handle myself. I gotta go, I will call you when I get to mom's."

You hang up, and start to eat. As you eat, you notice a strange dude staring at you. You feel uneasy, so you eat faster. Once you finish, you get up and head out the door.

As you leave, you see him get up. You fast walk to a nearby alley, so that way you can escape fast.

You pull off the jacket as he comes in the alley. You hear him speak in a strange voice. "Give me the book. I know you have it. My master wants it back. It has been lost for a long time."

You spread your wings and take off as you speak. "No, it belongs with me. Tell your master that he will have to Pry it from my cold dead hands."

You fly into sky, away from him. You start to fly towards mom.

~~Mini Time Skip~~

You land on the porch to see Mom standing outside. You will the wings to disappear, as you go to hug her. "Mark called to let me know you were coming. Why don't we talk inside."

She opens the door, and walks in. You follow. So I land in front of her with wings, and she doesn't even freak out. She knows something.

She sits in her living room, and you follow her lead. "I know why you came. But before I explain, what made you come out now, at this moment in time?"

You pull out the book. "I ended up with this. It has my name on it, and an inscription from my mom."

"I see. Well let me start by saying, I am not your mother." She pauses to let that sink in. "I was very good friends with your parents."

She pulls out a picture of a couple. The woman looks familiar, like you had seen her just recently. You notice you have her facial features, her hair color, and average size.

The man, you see you have his eyes. He is kinda stocky, as are you. But you aren't as stocky as him. He looks about a foot taller than the woman.

"So, these are my parents?"

"Yes. Your fathers name was (his name) and you mother was (her name)."

"Wait, you say was. Are they gone?"

"Unfortunately, yes. You father died in a fire. He always put others ahead of him. A fire started at a theater. He made sure he got everyone out before himself. He was on his way out, when the building collapsed."

She stops for a moment to take a sip of water.

"You mother died after giving birth. She knew she wouldn't make it through the pregnancy, so early on, she asked me to adopt you. I said I would. She also knew at some point your powers would manifest. She hid the book with a person she knew she could trust."

You open your mouth, and she stops. "How do you know she had powers?"

She smiles. "I have a gift called Shadow Sight. Some mortals are born with the ability to see into the Shadow Realm. Whether that is directly, or through a crystal ball, or even a mirror. It varies from person to person. Most don't see movement in the shadows of the mortal world, but I do. That's actually how I met your mother. I saw her moving in the shadows, and I called her out."

You get up knowing you should get back home before it gets dark. "Listen, thanks for being so truthful with me. And even though you aren't my biological mother." You stop to hug her. "I still love you. Thanks for all that you have done. Now I got to get back home."

You break the hug, and form your wings. You open the door. "Goodbye Y/N. And good luck. Also, tell Mark it won't kill him to call once in a while."

You laugh. "No problem. See ya later."

You close the door and take off back home.

Momiplier POV

"I told you to wait, he could have sensed you."

I look over to the dark corner of the room to see a familiar female demon come out.

"I'm sorry, I thought he would have left by then. Did you tell him?"

I sigh. "Only partly. It is not my place to tell him his mother is still in his life. That is something for you to tell him. You need to soon, he has the book. Razzi, he needs his mother to help him."

"I know, but I can't yet. He needs to do certain things before me or his dad can reveal ourselves. It is so hard watching over him and not being able to say anything. And then to also explain how I became a demon, I don't think I am ready."

"But you need to be soon. I may not have powers, but I know something will soon go down. And he will need all the help he can get."

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