News and Feelings

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Dark stands up, and walks over to the door. Where do you think you are going?

He takes a deep breath. "I'm leaving. Forever. I almost killed you. If I lose control again, I might actually do it. If I can do it to you, what will stop me from doing it to others."

Tears start forming in your eyes. He puts his hand on the knob. "Dark. Please."

"I'm sorry Y/N. It's for the best." He opens the door. But. No, I can't lose him.

Your voice becomes stern, though tears run down your face. "Dark."

He pauses, but continues to walk out. "Darkiplier Fischbach. Listen to me right now." He stops but doesn't turn around. "I don't care if you almost killed me. Your family, as much as anyone in this room. Besides we are connected in more ways than one."

You stop to wipe away tears. "Your body is my creation. Do you seriously think I am just gonna let you walk out? Dark, you don't understand."

I care about you so much. I love you, more than you know. I don't want to see you leave. If you leave, you might as well kill me. I don't want to live without you.

You run to your room, slamming the door. You jump out the window, and take to the sky. You fly to the only other person you trust. Someone who said he will be there when needed.

As you fly, you block both Dark and Nikki. You sense them trying to talk to you, but your mental ward blocks them. You are startled, because you hear a new voice. Go to your aunt's house. I will meet you there.

"This is probably a trap of some kind. But why not."

You fly to her house. You see the giant white house. Well, it has been in their family for generations. To have four large rooms... You land to the door opening. "Really. If I knew it was you, I wouldn't have come. What do you want? And don't try anything funny." You summon an orb, making your point.

He straightens his pink moustache. "All I want to do is talk."

He steps aside to let you in. You let the orb disappear. As you pass him, you realize something. "Wait a minute, how did you get out?"

"That's exactly why I wanted to talk to you. I know what you did with Dark. I must give your props, not many can do that. But there was a problem, one even I didn't know could happen."

"Warfstache, get to the point. Dark is currently trying to track me."

"When you pulled Dark out, you created magical vacuum in Mark's head. A magical vacuum, when not fixed, turns into a portal."

"That explains how you got out. But its not like anyone can just come through, only those who match Mark can."

"Once I came through, it changed. Its an interdimensional portal now. Anything can come out now, at least from the dimension it is connected t9. It now has to close on its own."

Oh God. In trying to do good, I make things worse.

"I want to help."

"What?! You want to help me?"

"Yes. Whatever is on its way through, will destroy this world. I may be semi demonic, but I want the world to exist. Without the earth, none can exist."

"How are you planning on helping?"

"Let me take your cousin like Dark took you."

"Absolutely not. She is off limits. Why do you want her anyway, she has no powers."

"Powers aren't the only thing that matters. She has read many fanfics involving me. More than Dark fics. She may not have powers, but her bloodline is as old as yours. That will increase my strength in the final battle." He blushes. "Plus, I think may have a crush on her."

You squint your eyes. "Why exactly should I trust you? You had me tied to a chair in the shadow realm."

"Listen, I am willing to put my grudge with Dark aside. This world is as much my home as it is yours. I may be evil, but I will do anything to save my home."

You can tell he isn't lying, but still. "Give me a few days to decide. Make any move before I decide, will wish you never had."

"Very well. Now it is time to take my leave." He snaps his fingers, and turns into a pink vapor.

You step outside and once again fly. "Well that explains both visions. But I still wonder who is coming through the portal. Who is this Death?"

In your flight, you sense Dark near you. You open your mind, and he is beside you relatively fast. You notice he was panicking. "Your safe. When you left, I lost my connection with you. I couldn't even sense you."

"Sorry, I blocked my mind. I needed time to be alone. But the time away from home has left me with more questions. I will explain on the way home."

You two fly back. You explain the visions, and meeting Wilford. You tell Dark what he wants. "Y/N, You know as well as I do, he can't be trusted."

"I know, and I think he has part to this plan he hasn't told me. But here is the thing. I could sense it, he was telling the truth. He wants to help save the world."

"What will you do?"

"Honestly, I think I will leave it up to Brit. She gets to choose. I won't lie, I don't totally trust Warfstache. But I can't deny we will need all the help we can get."

You end up getting back, and you get everyone to calm down. You talk to you cuz for a while. "So what was the reason you came here?"

"Well, you know my mother passed away. She had cancer for years, and it finally won."

"I didn't know, I am so sorry. I will totally miss her."

"Thanks. Anyway, in her will, she left you her house. Someone in the court system tried to fight it. They said it should go to me, but I took my moms stance on it. In her will, this is what she said. 'My daughter does deserve it, but she doesn't need it. Y/N deserves it as much as my own child. I was more of a mother to him than his own. He has suffered so much. In all the troubles that he faced, he has never given up. Over the years, I have kept tabs on him. He has never had a stable home. As my last helping hand, he is to get my house.' "

"Even when I left, she still cared."

"Yes. And since I was all for it, the courts had no viable reason to fight it. So her house is officially yours."

Falling Into Dark (Dark X Male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now