Becoming Dark's Demon

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No, stop. I can't listen to him. Body stop. You try to fight your body, but nothing works. Your five steps away from the door.

He chuckles. "It's no use fighting now. My brand forces you to follow my orders."

Four steps away. "You haven't learned. I fight no matter what." And I will NOT back down against a demon.

Three more steps. I will not give up. Focus Y/N, focus. Concentrate.

Two steps away. You focus you energy on stopping your feet. As you concentrate, the black glow starts to fade.

One more step. You reach for the handle. STOP. Your arm stops. Must sleep, then he won't be able to control me. I hope.

You force your eyes to close. Your thoughts go fuzzy as you hear dark swear. You black out.

Next thing you know, you are being woken up by your cell phone alarm. You look at your cell, when you remember what happened. "Damn It Dark." You open your door, and smell some kind of meat cooking.

You get to them kitchen and see Mark, or maybe Dark, at the stove. "Mark?"

He turns around, and you look at his brown eyes. You sigh in relief. "Thank God its you."

"Did he do anything to you?"

"No thankfully. I fought him enough to fall asleep."

~~time skip cause I can~~

You were in the bathroom, styling you hair into spikes for the day.

"I can't believe I have been here for a month. And with the incredibly great Markiplier. It feels like only yesterday I was going to ComiCon."

As you look away from the mirror, you feel arms wrap around your chest. "And I met my brother."

You and mark had become almost inseparable in the time you lived with him. But you were still missing a part of your life. "When can I meet Momiplier and Tom? I really want to see them."

"I was hoping you wouldn't ask. They are coming tomorrow, and neither know you're here. I wanted it to be a surprise for all of you."

Your eyes twinkle. "That's great. I love it. Sorry I ruined your plan. I just have to warn him about it."

Mark knew what you meant. "But how will you so that?"

"I have learned to do a few things in the past month, since I had to deal with him a couple times. Does mom know about him?"

"Yeah, but she doesn't know the severity."

You nod your head, and then look at your mark. You press a finger to the mark, then think in your head.

Alright, Dark. Listen. Both mom and Tom are coming tomorrow. If you do anything to mess this up. I will personally slap the Shit out of you.

You hear darks voice in your head. That's a lot of talk for you. You only resisted me that first time. But as I don't want to see them, I will stay away. Also, tell Mark if he doesn't follow on his feelings, I will.

With that, Dark cuts the connection. "Good, he will stay away. And Mark, he said if you don't follow on your feeling soon, he will. I would assume he feels the same way on something. What did he mean?"

The color drains from marks face, his eyes widening. "I know what it means, but I can't explain it. It's too difficult."

Mark's POV.

So he feels the same way. He never told me.

I look down at Y/N. His face showing confusion. How can I say I am starting to feel for him in more than a brotherly way. I know he won't hate me, that he will still love me as a brother. But I don't want to hurt our bond, not after we have become so close.

And then to say my demonic half loves him. I shudder. I just can't do it.

"Just listen, ignore what he said for now. Once the time is right, I will tell you."

I started to fell weak, like I haven't sleep. Which is true, I couldn't sleep last night.

"Y/N, would you mind taking over? I going to take a nap."

He looks at me, trying to see what is going on. Then he speaks in the voice I have come to love. "Sure. I would love to."

Your POV

You take the spatula from him. And watch him walk to his room. You look at what he has out, and see what is missing.

"Bacon, you can't have a burger without bacon."

You pull out bacon from the the freezer. You turn on a stove burner.

"Hmm, I need some music." You pull out you Ipod, and play come little children.

You grab a small frying pan and place it on the stove. All of a sudden, you feel a light touch on your butt. You automatically grab the pan and swing behind you. As it connects, you see the person is Mark. That is, until you see his eyes.


"Dark, what the Hell. Don't sneak up on me like that. You scared the Shit out of me."

He gives you an angry glare. "And why shouldn't I?"

Your eyes give of a piercing glare. Even you feel the fire burning in your eyes. "Lets see. For one, I am a fighter. You scare me, I throw a punch. Or in this case, swing a pan. Two, I was abused by my parents, so that strengthens my fight reflex. If you don't want to be hurt, stay away damn it."

He seems surprised by your anger, but doesn't back off. "Your mine. I will never back off."

The fire turns into an inferno. You leash out and punch him in the stomach. You scream out your words. "I never wanted this. I just want my family. My life has been hell, my body shows the scars of the pain. If you want me to listen, then stop being an ass. Otherwise, deal with my fighting."

He looks at you, his scared eyes betraying his angered look. "You will listen, I command you."

Your mark glows faintly then dies. You laugh. "That won't work. I don't know how I know, but I'm too angry for you to control me. Just back the fuck off."

You stomp your way to your room, and slam the door. After you lock it, you lay on your bed. "Damn it, my ipod is out there." I

You go out to get it as Dark watches you. He sees you still seething with hatred, and doesn't confront you. You grab the music player and go back to your room. You play music as you lay down, the only thing that calms you when you are this angry. As you settle down, you realize something.

Anger. Anger is the key to fighting my brand, and to fighting Dark.

You feel your body drain of energy and fall asleep.

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