Game Time

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Almost immediately, the phone starts ringing. You mute the call right away. You look around the room, noting that it is set up differently than the fnaf game. The switches for the lights are on the wall behind you. The room itself is circular.

"Alright. Once we hit night three, I will go off to do some exploring. But we need a system. Nikki, take the right door. Jack, you take care of the right light. Mark, you got the camera. Brittany, you got the left side door. Warfstache, you have the left light."

You look at Dark. "I'll let you choose. Come night three, do you want to come with me?"


You and Dark sit and let the others play the game. Night one finishes, nothing really happened. The lights flicker, signifying the end of a night. Night two begins, and you mute the call. Everything starts off ok.

You then hear Michael's laugh. Not his game laugh, but the one you grew up with. A deep joyous laugh, one that makes anyone smile. No one else seems to have noticed. You smile. "Careful guys. My brother is active tonight."

So why do you want to wander around? What are you planning?

Nothing really Dark. There is a reason why I haven't tried to set them free. I have dreamed of this place for months now. There is another one here, one they are keeping prisoner. And that is mainly for their own protection. I want to see what it is.

You get pulled out of your conversation by a yell. "CLOSE THE DOOR. FOXY JUST LEFT."

Brittany pushes the button, and the door slams shut. Not much later, you hear banging coming from the door. Warfstache flips the light, to see if bonnie snuck up.

He flicks the light back off, and Brit opens the door. Over the next few minutes, Chica came close. We stoped her. Two minutes left to the game, and you hear Golden's game laugh. Again, you are the only one to notice.

You see Mark looking at the camera. "Mark, I want you to put the camera down, count to five, and pull it back up."

As soon as the camera goes down, your animatronic brother appears. You stare at him, pretty creeped out. You count in your head, and Mark pulls up the camera when you get to five. The animatronic head turns toward you, and it fades away.

"Glad that worked." You walk over to the door, and stick your head out. You don't see an animatronic, so you speak down the hall. "I got to hand it to you Michael. As an animatronic, you are rather creepy."

You hear his own laugh, which makes you smile. When you turn around, all the demons are looking at you. Even Anti, who has taken control. Dark speaks. "What was that laugh? That isn't part of the game."

"That was my brothers actual laugh. Second time I heard it. It seems he does that one as he pleases, or maybe letting us know he is active."

The lights flicker, night two has ended. You mute night three's call. You look at Dark. "Now, once we step out, be a quiet as possible. Stick to the shadows. You don't have to travel in the actual shadows, just try to avoid light."

You step out the right door, staying out of the light.

So where are we going?

The kitchen. There has to be a reason the camera is dead. Something doesn't want to be seen. Or the others don't.

You get to the end of the hall, and see Chica in the center of the room. You actually hear her say something.

"I know you are there, just be careful. Stay in the shadows, and I won't attack. Also, be safe. I know what you are looking for. Good luck Pumpkin."

You whisper. "Thanks Chica." And move on towards the kitchen.

Once you get there, you sense a strange presence. You can tell it knows you are here. Be careful, it knows we are here.

You hear movement in the shadows on the other side of the room. From the corner, a tall figure appears. "What do you want from me?" It speaks in a voice you can't describe.

You step out of the shadows also. "I am only curious to see what was back here. I knew there was another spirit, but I didn't know what. Please Marionette, I mean no disrespect. I want to help all of you."

"And why do you want to help me? I know what they told you."

"I like to get all the info before making my decisions. Michael has said nothing bad, but nothing good either. I will believe him over the others."

"I appreciate what you want to do, but go away. I don't want to be bothered."

Come on, lets go. Both you and Dark head back to the room slowly.

Right before you make it back, the lights turn off. After about ten seconds, they turn back on.

You speak. "All right, who got you guys?"

You step in the room to see everyone has a cardboard mask on. "It was foxy." You hear Mark speak. He pulls off the mask.

He stand up, along with the rest of your group. "I warned them too late. After the scream, well all fell to the floor. With theses cheap masks."

"Well, once the game ends, it is time for us to leave."

You sense your animatronic brother appear. "I guess I will see you later. And It was nice seeing you again."

The group says goodbye, and you all leave.

Falling Into Dark (Dark X Male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now