Owned by Darkness

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You pull up his live stream, and he is just saying thanks for those who tuned in. He goes on and then plays mincraft. You only pay half attention to what he is doing. You think about the Shh series.

"Wouldn't it be cool if Dark was real. The adventures I would have. Or even the fun I could have." You sigh. "But not like that is gonna happen. He doesn't exist."

At that point, Mark stops talking. You look towards the screen, you see him almost twitching. Once the twitching stops, you see him with a mischievous smile.

"But I do." He says in the voice from your dream.

That was out of context. What is going on with mark.

"It wasn't out of context, at least for you."

You glance at the chatbox to see what people are saying. Most are asking what is going on, or what happened to mark. There were even a few that asked what he was talking about.

"So I am not the only one seeing this." You pull up the live stream on your cell, seeing the same thing. Mark speaks again.

"No, everybody can see this, but only you know who I am talking to."

"I can't believe it, I am talking to my computer. Mark, did you bug my room?" I bet you that is what he did. He is just messing with me for the Marky thing.

"Oh my dear friend, this has nothing to do with Mark. I'm not even him"

You finally see his eyes, which are nothing but darkness. Your eyes widen. "You're not supposed to exist, you don't exist. You are something the fans made up. I'm going crazy." This is NOT happening.

"Oh, but it is happening. And as for how, you will find out." He lets out a wicked laugh, then twitches again.

Mark comes back to normal, and continues on as if nothing happened. People are still freaking out on the chat, but no one knows what you know.

All of a sudden, your screen goes black, the computer still running. It flashes with some static, and Marks face appears. You look and see his black eyes. The words you think fly right out of your mouth.

"What the hell do you want?"

His eyes burn with anger. "I wouldn't talk to me like that, if I were you. Just shut up and listen."

You chuckle. "Right, like I am gonna listen to you. Spirits don't exactly scare me. Which since you are here, I assume you are." You just smile at him.

"I am way more than a spirit. I am a demon. My official title is the King of Darkness."

"Title doesn't matter, a demon is a demon. And I have dealt with my own, at my weakest no less. I think I can handle the prince of darkness." You smile wickedly yourself. Although it isn't the best thing to do, ticking of a spirit is fun. His eyes glow with pure darkness.

"You are gonna die when I get free." He screams at you. You laugh right back at him.

"Yeah we will see that when it happens. This is getting boring, get out of my computer."

"No, I am here to stay. I can and will torture you."

Now you are staring to get angry.

"This is my computer, get out. You don't belong here."

"No one is able to force me away, except Mark. And he even has trouble holding me in. A little nobody can't control me."

You snapped. "This is MY apartment. And MY computer. I COMMAND YOU TO GET OUT." The last two words seemed to echo.

Dark looks shocked, and disappears. The computer returns to normal. The whole time that happened, the live stream kept going.

You suddenly got tired. "I wish I could watch the rest, but I won't make it. You close the lid, and take a quick shower. You hop in bed and fall asleep. It was a big mistake.

You open your eyes and find yourself in the same room as last night. "Great, here again." You go to the door and bang on it relentlessly. "Get in here you asshole. I know you are out there."

The door opens and in he comes. He speaks surprisingly calm, in his almost enchanting voice. "Well well, looks like you are a little feisty tonight. I must applaud you. To be able to force me away, you are very powerful. You haven't begun to access your power."

"What are you talking about? Power, I don't have powers."

He pulls out the knife from before. He steps close and holds it to you neck. "You would do well to only speak when told to. Got that?"

You look down, and see you are perfectly aligned. You look up and smile. "I will put it this way, I understand. But will I do it, no. And just to point out, do you really want to stand that close. Remember last time."
He looks down, and gasps. He pulls away. "That was a bad idea, you just gave up your only way to escape." He gives you a smug smile.

"Ok, that's it. You little prick." You swing at his nose. And you connect with a satisfying crack.

He staggers back, and grabs his nose. You see him snap it back into place, which makes you shiver. "Nice try, but in dreams I don't get physically hurt. Too bad you can't control your actual powers."

He holds out his hand, and a black vapor flows towards you. You feel your body go stiff, as if you were paralyzed. He steps closer to you, his eyes filled with an emotion you can't tell. He grabs your hand. "This should stop you from fighting me. Your will can be broken, and you will be mine."
He bends down and bites the outside of your wrist. You scream your head off, the pain unbearable. It was like sticking your hand in lava. It burns so much. You finally black out from the pain.

When you awaken, you are in your room. You look where he bit you in the dream. You see a small tattoo, an inch and a half in size. An uppercase gray D with a black 'stache.

"Oh hell, what did he do?"

You decide to get up and watch the rest of the live stream. It takes a while to get the laptop up and running. Once it does, you manage to find the spot you left off at. You see you were close to the end last night. You hit play.

"And that is it for today. Though I do have one more thing to say. I know it isn't much notice, but Y/N, I am telling them." You wouldn't dare. "And knowing you, I do dare. For those of you who don't know about my family's past, we lost my brother when I was young. Well at ComiCon, I found him, or should I say, he found me. And some of you actually know him. He has a YouTube channel and goes by (nerdy channel name). By the way Y/N. I am coming tomorrow at noon. So you better be ready."

You look at the time, and it is noon. "Shit." No sooner do you say that, you hear a knock at your door.

A/N Hey guys. Thanks for reading so far. I would like to say, if you have any opinions, or corrections in mind. Please tell me. I am not the greatest writer, and I try to improve. Also, if you hate this story, tell me why. Same goes for if you like it. Thanks yall.

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