Ritual Ingredients

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"Mom please. It's the only way, and I know it will work."

Razzi looks at you in anger. "Absolutely not. That plan is suicide. I will not have you risking all our family has worked for."

I agree with her. It's too dangerous for you.

You look at Dark. "I don't recall asking for your opinion. Stay out of this."

"Mom please. I know what I must do."

Y/N, you don't understand what you are trying to do. Satan is the master at manipulation. He will do what he can to twist the truth and trick you. I should know. All the evil Ipliers work under him.

"Fine. I won't go. There are you happy?"

You walk to the kitchen. I hope you are telling the truth. Wouldn't be the first time you lied to me.

You grab a cup, and fill it with water. Technically I didn't lie to you. I just omitted my true intentions. Can't lie if you don't even mention it.

You walk back into your living room. Dark sits beside you. "You know, you are a tricky bastard."

You smile. "I always have been, but it seems even more so since my powers have awakened. Almost like that is my demon side coming out."

"You seem a little too happy about that. Being a demon isn't a good thing."

"Maybe, maybe not. To pull one of my favorite lines. 'The circumstances of one's birth is irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.' Satan's blood may be in me, but this is my life."

You pause for a moment. "Am I scared I won't be strong enough when the time comes, yes. Am I scared my powers may consume me, yes. But I believe I was born for a reason. A reason greater than my bloodline."

You get up and go to your room. You close the door, but don't lock it. You whisper to yourself as you grab your spell book. "I know I may fail, but I will fight my supposed destiny. There has to me more to my life than that."

I know there is. I have seen it. I want this curse to stop, and I will be the one to stop it. I just don't know how yet.

You flip open the book, and look for the ritual you need. "Lets see, what do I need. Looks like the lover's ancestor's heart, and a bone of the performer's ancestor. I also need blood of the performer or a lover, along with blood of the host. And obviously the body."

That's weird, there is no chant for it. Hold on, what's this?

You look at some small print below the ingredients. "No chant exists. The heart must be heard. Speak the truth."

Ok then. I don't know what that means, but it doesn't matter. I need the other items first. I know exactly where to get them. However, that means going against Mom and Dark.

You put the book in the shadows. "I'm crazy for doing this. This means I have to trick the master of tricks."

You step into the shadow on your wall. You appear at the bottom of a hill. You look up to a grand castle, the building is the greatest castle you have ever seen.

You walk up the hill, Shadowjumping when you think someone is coming. Eventually you get to the door and make your way in. So the most powerful demon doesn't even have any guards?

You eventually get to the throne room, and you knock on the door. The door opens inward. You hear a voice, one that you can't describe. "Who cares disturb me?"

You control yourself, knowing this isn't a demon you want to piss off. "It is I, Y/N. I have come to you my lord. I know of my lineage, and want to help you in your plan."

You see a man stand up from the throne. The power he gives off is overwhelming, but you stand your ground. "So you are throwing away everything you ancestors have worked for?"

"Yes. I still want to enjoy my current life a little more, but I believe that I can't run from my destiny. I was created for this purpose. Please let me start the end."

He comes over to you. You look at his face, which keeps changing. His eyes shift colors, and his facial hair changes. He has no one human form.

"What is it you plan on doing to start the end days?"

"I want to start building an army. The first one I plan on doing is the demon I love. I know I won't be able to make the army fast. My powers are still awakening, so there is only so much I can do. But this will allow me to enjoy my human life before t my destiny arrives."

He looks over you, deciding what he should do. "Alright. I will take you up on this. You will find the items you need on the way out. Now I need to attend to some business."

He leaves through a side door. You walk back to the entrance, where you find the heart and bone, each in their own jar. You also find a jar with some sort of brown powder.

Satan's POV

You really think i don't know your plan? I laugh to myself.

"You fool, I have watched over your bloodline for centuries. This plan of yours will be your downfall, and it will seal my reign. Just try to win, and you will fail."

Your POV

You get back to your room, and you set the jars in your closet. "I am gonna assume that powder is to make the body. Add some kind of liquid, and it turns into clay, along with increasing in amount."

Now lets just hope I tricked him. You walk out to find Mark sitting on the couch. You sit beside him. "All right Mark. I know they will be strange, but I need to ask you some questions."

He looks at you. "Fire away."

Falling Into Dark (Dark X Male!reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora