Death comes a knockin

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You step out the building, out to a starry night sky. "Finally. As much as I find this fun, it is so exhausting. I don't understand how you guys do it."

You hear Mark behind you. "You will get used to it."

Every one packs their stuff in the car, and get in, except for you. "I think I will fly home."

You summon your wings and jump in the air. "Don't worry, I will fly above you."

You fly high into the sky, the cool air feeling wonderful. You look down to see the others drive off. As you fly above them, you start to feel uneasy. You don't give it much thought, though.

Soon, however, you start to become anxious. When you are about halfway home, you sense an extremely evil energy.

Nikki, what ever happens... protect the rest.

You hear a voice, one you only imagined in your mind. "You are my key to getting him."

You feel something hit your head, and you black out.

When you come to, you feel a chain around you. You look and see you are tied to a chair. You see you are in a small room.

You see a girl with blond hair bent over a table. "What the hell do you want with me? Not like I have anything to do with your past."

She turns around, her eyes filled with anger. "You know nothing about what I have been through."

You smirk. "Oh yes I do. I know all about penei. I know how she tortured you. I know you are also Death."

You stop talking for a moment. She speaks. "How do you know about all this? Naomi has only been hear for a little while."

"You come from a dimension that is a fanfiction in this world. Now let me go."

Her wicked laugh sounds through the room. "You aren't leaving. I need you for my plan."

"What is your plan? Is it to get to Naomi and her Dark? Or my Dark."

"You think too small. Now that a portal has opened, I can kill every Dark, in every dimension."

"I won't let you get away with it."

"Oh my dear, what do you plan on doing? From what I can see, you tied to a chair."

That's what you think. Even though you are tied to a chair, your hands are free to move. You cup them, trying to summon your orb. You don't even feel the energy flow.

"That won't work, those chains block all powers."

A spell might. "With my power, I decree. The chains shall fall, and set me free."

Nothing happens. "As I said nothing will work. Those chains block all forms of magic. Though it will allow any powers I will allow you to use."

Which means I am stuck. Unless... it's my only shot. You try to meld into your own shadow. You sink a little, then you bounce back up.

Fuck. Nothing is working. "Alright. Why do you need me?"

"To act as bait. Since this involves me, Naomi and her Dark will come to save you. And since you are you, your Dark will come for you. I can torture and kill all of you."

I don't know what to do. I can't let her defeat us this easily. But I am trapped. All my powers are unusable. Spells don't work. I am powerless. This bitch is smart.

She writes a few things down on a paper. She looks at you with her unsettling green eyes. "Now I want you to call him. I know you have telepathy."

"No. I will never bring Dark here."

Her eyes burn with fire. "You will do what I say."

You eyes, in turn, burn with anger.

"Make me you bitch. I have been to hell and back. I have been to the edge of life. And I won't let some crazed angel with a vendetta take it from me."

You feel the shadows. They want to help, but are being repressed. Maybe they can. Powers may not be useable, but physical abilities may be.

"I still have a few tricks up my sleeve. Shadows, seal my heart. Unleash my power."

The shadows slowly move towards you. As if they were physically moving though jello. Soon however, they enter your body. You transform into your demon self. You pull at the restraints, and they snap.

She looks at you, confused more than anything. "How is this possible?"

You stand up, and speak in your gravely voice. "This is more than a power, this is a part of me. I am a mortal descendant of a powerful demon."

She charges at you, but you rake her with your claws. You catch her leg, and she falls. "Let this be a warning. Do not underestimate us."

You will the shadows out of your heart, and turn back to normal. "I don't want to hurt you. But attack us, and it will be your downfall."

You step into the shadows, and go home. You come out of the shadows in your kitchen, where you pass out.

A/N. So a totally awesome thank you to DatPizzaSliceTho for letting me use her characters. Seriously guys, read some of her stories. I had a few ideas for a story of my own, and reading hers encouraged me to actually write them and post them somewhere. This story wouldn't exist if it weren't for her.

Well it wouldn't on here. An awesome friend of mine, Nikki, convinced me to write a Fanfic. But that was just on my own computer. DatPizzaSliceTho gave me the incentive to make it public

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