The Demon Within

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You three head up. "So Brit, how did you find my number?"

"Well, I saw your cell in a phone book in upper Cali. The book was like, five years old. I thought I would try it."

You get to your apartment, when you realize you don't have your keys. "Fuck. My keys are in there." Well I could Shadowjump.

"Don't even do it. I know what you are thinking." I know what you are thinking, I don't even have to hear it.

"Why not." Not like she won't find out. "As I said, I trust her. Now, if you will excuse me."

You walk into the wall, turning into the shadows. You appear on the other side, and unlock the door. You see Brittany is shocked, but doesn't seem to be scared.

She steps in and closes the door. "That was so awesome dude."

Now it is your turn to be shocked. "So you aren't freaked out?"

"No way. A little shocked, but no. Plus its pretty cool to find out your cuz has powers." She gasps. "Oh my god, how did you get them? Did you fall in a vat of poison? Did you get hit by radiation?"

"I will explain that later." You hear Dark clear his throat. "What do you want?"

"Is she a fan?"

"Oh god. I forgot. Yes, but not a crazy fangirl." You look at your cousin. "Have you been watching markiplier's videos lately?"

"Not really, I have been busy. Between my personal life and trying to find you."

Next thing you know, Nikki and Mark come in. "How is it you know the awesome Mark?"

"Well... remember the family I was taken from? Yeah, it was the fischbach family. But they still aren't my birth family. My mother passed away shortly after giving birth. She was great friends with his mom, who adopted me."

You stop for a moment, trying to organize your thoughts. "But as you and I have always said, family doesn't stop with blood."

You pull Nikki over. "This is my totally amazing best friend. She help me get to a ComiCon, where I met Mark. She also saved my life." Nikki grabs your hand, but you pull away. "Thanks, but I am fine. Anyway... several years ago, I hit a really bad depression. I was about to kill myself, until she saved me."

"I didn't know that happened. I wish I could have been there."

"Don't worry. As you see, I am perfectly fine."

You hear Dark's voice. I wouldn't say perfect. You roll your eyes. "Shut up. I swear, you can get so annoying."

Your cousin is confused. "Who are you talking to?"

You point over to Dark. "Him. He is... how to explain it. He is a special friend of sorts."

Her eyes go wide. "Oh my God, you are dating him, aren't you?"

You blush. "N... no. It's not like that. We are not dating."

Dark comes up beside you. You feel his black eyes on you. "I wouldn't say that."

You meant to say it in your head, but it comes out your mouth. "Shut up Dark, let me just talk to my cousin." You realize what you said. "Shit."

At that moment, Dark starts emitting a strange energy. what's going on?

You know danger is coming. "Nikki take every one into my room. Lock the door. Don't worry, not the first time I have dealt with a demon."

She pushes every one down the hall. As the lock clicks, Dark is covered in a black mist. I should have seen this coming. His body still has to get used to his demon side. And it looks like his demon side is coming out.

The fog disappears, revealing Dark. Even with what you were expecting, Dark's new form scares you a little. To say his skin is pale, is an understatement. His eyes are darker than ever, which contrast his teeth. His teeth have become sharp white needles. His wings are an ash grey. His nails have become claws.

When he speaks, his voice is filled with malice. "I can sense your fear. This will be a fun struggle."

You let your heart speak. Your mark glows in your color. "I may be scared. But in fear is when the courageous rise. I won't back down."

Instead of turning their normal color, your eyes become pure white. Your wings materialise on their own, and they are their normal color. Dark launches himself at you, starting your battle.

You jump to the side, your wings flapping. As he goes past you, you launch a ball of energy at his back. He hisses in annoyance. He turns toward you, and points two glowing fingers at you. You shield yourself with your wings.

Black fire shoots at you, but your wings absorb the energy. When the fire is gone, you shoot another orb. Your attack misses.

You battle with Dark for a while, but he eventually pins you to the ground. I may be strong, but I am too inexperienced.

Dark looks over you as he speaks. "That was interesting, but you are too weak. Any last words?"

What can I do? He is too strong for me. I care about him to much to win this. That's it... I know what I can do.

"Yes. This isn't over."

You fall into the shadows below you. While there, you speak. "Shadows, seal my heart. So that I may unleash my powers." This way my mind can control the battle, and not my heart.

You feel the shadows penetrate your body, encasing your heart. You body changes as you rise from the shadows. You appear behind Dark in your changed body.

Your skin is now a dark purple. Your wings shimmer in red and black. Two Three-inch long horns are on your head, and you have a spiked tail.
You speak in a gravely voice. "This will be interesting."

You and Dark wrestle. While he is holding you, you stab his arm with your tail. Soon though, your movements start to become funny. I am losing control. I can't, not when my Dark is on the line.

Your body starts making attacks that you don't want it to. Shadows, give back my heart. Chain the powers.

You fall to the floor as the shadows leave your body, which starts to return to normal. You are back to normal when you see Dark loom over you yet again. "No more, I am done. If you wish to kill me, then so be it. I am done fighting you Dark."

He smiles, showing his needle-like teeth. "Goodbye."

He goes to shove his nails in your heart.

Falling Into Dark (Dark X Male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now