1956: chapter two

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thank you for all the comments so far, keep them up and I'll update more often ily

If I fuck up on the dates tell me

above is Calum's car, last chapter is Reece's car


Tuesday April 26th, 1956

Luke wasn't the smartest or the dumbest at school, he kind of floated in the middle, the same happened for his popularity--he wasn't at the top of the food chain and he wasn't Vergil, the kid everyone bullied. He floated.

But people thought Luke was sort of dorky because he wore these thick, black rimmed glasses that made him look geeky.

Reece had always secretly liked the dorky glasses on Luke.

The only class the two of them shared was maths, and Luke was sort of failing this class. He was getting straight D's with the occasional F when he didn't study. Luke sat at the front of the class so he could see the chalk board better, and mostly to ask for help from the teacher, Mrs Dawkins.

Where as Reece sat right at the back in the corner, his friends weren't in this class so why would he socialise with people that judged him stared at him for all the wrong reasons?

But Luke stared at him, for all the right reasons. To others it was wrong, because it wasn't holy and it was a sin. Luke just didn't know what he was getting himself in to yet.

Reece caught Luke's eyes for the third time in fifteen minutes of the lesson, and Reece smirked, making Luke blush and look away again. He shouldn't be staring, it's rude to stare, especially when it's another boy. Calum told him that.

Half way through class, a note landed on Luke's desk and he stopped writing to unfold the paper and when he read over the words, his cheeks went a dark red colour.

if you keep staring, people might catch on, sugar


Luke didn't stare at him for the rest of class.

After class it was the end of the day, and Luke left the lesson quickly. He got his books and his bag and left the high school, heading to Calum's car. Luke cursed when seeing Reece's car parked right next to Calum's red one.

"Fucking fuck."

"Such a pretty mouth shouldn't be saying suck nasty words." Luke froze when hearing his voice.

Luke turned and leant against the car, looking at Reece through his lashes and blushing softly, biting at his bottom lip. "Hi."

"Do you need a lift home?" Reece asked, taking his car keys from the pocket of his leather jacket.

"Thanks but I'm going to the library with Calum." Luke said softly, "Maybe another time."

"Sure thing." Reece smiled and got in to his car, before driving away, but not before sending Luke a wink as he drove past him.

"Hey." Calum said, approaching his car. He glanced at Reece driving past, his nose scrunched up. "What did he want?" He didn't like the Greasers, not one bit.

"He offered me a ride home." Luke shrugged, "Should we go, I need to get that book from the library in town."

The two boys got in to the red car and drove in to town to the library. Calum followed Luke in to the quiet old library. Then he followed Luke as the blond searched for his book for chemistry.

Calum soon got tired of standing and plopped down on to a sofa, grabbing a book from the table and opened it.

Luke smiled when finding the book and opened it, searching to make sure he had the right book. He found the subject he was doing before finding Calum and sitting down beside him. "What're you reading?" Luke asked.

Calum shrugged, closing the book and seeing the words: A Town Like Alice.

"It's pretty decent Luke."

"Go get it then." Luke said, "I'm done now anyway."

The two went to the front desk and got their books taken out of the library and Luke stayed behind, telling Calum to go ahead. "Um excuse me?" The librarian looked up at Luke over her glasses. "Do you happen to have any jobs available?"

"Indeed we do." She smiled, moving to grab a piece of paper. "You have to fill this out and we'll call if you get it, the deadline is this Friday sweetie." She smiled and Luke thanked her before telling her to have a nice day.

Calum drove Luke home and the blond waved goodbye to his friend before heading inside his house. The house was quiet so Luke guessed he was home alone, so he went to his room and put his bag and books down on and by his desk before he sat down on his bed.

He took out the note from his pocket and opened it to see the words from Reece and Luke smiled softly before sighing loudly and falling backwards on his bed.


It's a slow start first ok

Remember the time period does not take likely to different people aka homosexuals etc

Luke will bottom because he thinks he's straight still and he's shy and innocent and small

1956 ⇝ Luke Hemmings ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ