1956: chapter thirty

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Luke the tomato

is anyone gonna see captain America civil war? I'm going and also to see suicide squad and XMEN when they come out, I'm so pumped


Sunday August 18th, 1956


Luke wore his little uniform for the diner, black jeans and a white shirt with the logo of the diner on it, along with a little apron and a matching hat that fit his head perfectly--when he's shown Reece the outfit he'd cooed over the blond boy profusely.

It was seven o'clock on a Wednesday night, it was semi busy because it was the summer and it was filled with teens from Luke's old high school. People were on dates and drinking milkshakes and chatting loudly.

Luke put the chocolate milkshake down in front of the couple, telling them to have a good night before he headed back to the counter.

His head turned when the bell rang on the door and he looked up, but his face paled when he saw Jay's greaser gang walk in.

The blond instantly moved to the door that led to the kitchen, bumping in to Maggie Lee. "What's wrong sweets?" She asked, seeing Luke's panicked expression.

"I-I need--there's a gang in." He said, "they're friend with Will."

"Wait here." She said, "call your boy."

Luke nodded and went to the office, where the phone was. He dialled the number to the garage, thanking the Lord when Q answered. "Please get Reece." He begged.

He heard Q yell for Reece, "what happened?" Q asked. "Aren't you at work?"

"Yeah, just get Reece."

Reece took the phone, "Luke?"

"Jay's gang just walked in to the diner and I hid, Maggie Lee is gonna talk to them." He said. "I'm scared."

"It's okay," Reece assured, "they won't hurt you, they know the consequences if they touch you."

Luke gulped nodding, "thank you."

"Do you want me to send someone to you?" Reece asked, "I know Mike and Ash are free tonight."

"Yes please." Luke smiled. "Can I see you after my shift?" Luke asked.

"They can give you a lift to me." Reece said with a soft laugh. "Keep away from them, ignore them, continue doing work, make them believe they don't bother you."

Luke nodded again, "I will. Love you."

"Love you too bam bam."

They hung up and Luke took in a deep breath before he walked out in to the kitchen, "Luke!" The chef called his name and he looked up, "take this to table seven, kid." He smiled and took the food before putting it on a tray and psyching himself up before he left the kitchen and found the table.

"Here you go." He put the tray down on the table full of girls, who looked up at him, one giving him complete heart eyes. "Have a nice night."

He took the tray with him and went back to the front counter, putting the tray back to where it went and then he turned round to see Harley, the boy who had the baseball bat that night.

Harley smirked at Luke, looking him up and down, "how are your thighs honey?"

Luke's breath hitched and before he could walk away, he grabbed Luke's wrist, keeping him there. "I thought we had fun that night baby boy." Harley pouted at Luke, smirking when seeing the blond look away and tear up.

1956 ⇝ Luke Hemmings ✓Where stories live. Discover now