1956: chapter nineteen

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Look at my fluffy sunshine, my love


Sunday June 30th, 1956

Luke lay on the sofa at the garage, Reece was working on a car. Luke was doing his math revision, glancing up at Reece every once in a while--Luke was mainly staring at Reece's butt, but still. It was a nice butt.

Luke pushed his glasses up his face again, and wrote down the answer to a question.

Luke sighed when his pencil broke, getting up and heading in to the office of the garage. He leant over the desk to grab one but he heard someone yell Reece's name, making him look up, and out the window of the office.

A guy in a leather jacket walked up to Reece and handed him an envelope and a piece of paper. Luke stood confused, he couldn't hear what they were saying as they talk quietly about whatever it was.

Reece was then walking towards the office, the man following. Luke sat on the edge of the desk, the door opening.

Reece came towards Luke, leaning over him and grabbing a piece of paper before patting Luke's thigh. "Good boy, stay quiet," Reece whispered making Luke nod. Reece handed the man in leather the piece of paper before they shook hands and the guy left.

"What was that about?" Luke questioned.

"Nothing sugar." Reece said, pressing a kiss to Luke's lips and walking away. Luke huffed and followed him out in to the main part of the garage.

"Tell me." Luke said, making Reece sigh and turn to him. Luke put on the pout that he knew would make Reece do anything he asked. "A relationship doesn't work without trust and hone--"

"Okay fine." Reece chuckled, coming to Luke and grabbing his waist. "I have a boxing match in a week. It's illegal as fuck and needs to be kept on the down low, got it sweets?"

"I didn't know you boxed." Luke frowned.

"I barely do it anymore, I use to do it more when I was sixteen. But I'm still good." Reece smiled. "I just do it once in a while to pay for bills, and to buy you pretty things, and I know we both want that coloured tv."

"Can I come to the fight?" Luke asked.

Reece laughed, "No way Luke, I'm not letting you near a place like that."

Luke pouted again.

Reece was too in love to say no to that face.

"Okay, fuck you, fine." Reece said, kissing Luke. "But if I get hurt, don't get pissy with me."

"Yay okay, and I won't." Luke kissed him again, thankful no one was here but them.

Luke took his work in to the office to concentrate better because Reece was a distraction to him, well his ass was a distraction to him. Luke was still reels from their first time together.

An hour later, I was concentrating on my work and then Reece came in. "You need to hide." He said, making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion.


"Your dad just got picked up in the tow truck. He's here with a flat."

"Shit," Luke got up and Reece grabbed his hands. "Where the hell do I hide?"

"Under the desk? Or in the cabinet?" Reece said and Luke whined before he climbed under the desk. Reece looked around the office, hiding Luke's bag before leaving the office.

1956 ⇝ Luke Hemmings ✓Where stories live. Discover now