1956: chapter twenty-eight (+)

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Long ass chapter, so the goal is 90+ comments (because I know you can do it) and 90+ votes

Looks it's your mom and dad (it got more likes than that lmao, pls like it and rt)

ALSo I posted in the Ruke one shot book so if you haven't already, I put up a one shot :)


Monday July 30th, 1956


Luke had his knees pressed to his chest as he sat in Reece's car, "I hate this car," Luke mumbled.

"I got new seats." Reece said, trying to make it seem better than it really was.

Luke nodded and sighed, pressing his head against the window before watching the trees pass them by. They head out to the country side as that's where Reece's mum and sister now lived, they'd moved house before the boxing match had happened.

Reece knocked on the front door, his hand in Luke's before the door opened. "Honey!" Iris exclaimed, hugging Reece tightly before she looked at Luke. "I finally get to meet you." She said happily, hugging Luke.

"It's nice to finally meet you." Luke said softly.

She let the couple in, telling them to sit down. Reece showed Luke the living room, where Reece's sister was sat on the sofa, drawing. Char looked up, "hey Reece, Luke." She smiled.

Reece smiled, saying hey back before he gave Luke a look to sit by char while he sat in the arm chair.

Luke sat down awkwardly, smiling at Char. Char paused her drawing and picked up a pencil and paper and handing it to Luke, who took them with a smile. The TV was playing as Luke glanced over at Reece, and his pencil touched the paper and began to draw.

Luke drew the soft eyes and the thin pink lips along with the rounded cheeks. Luke drew the hair that fell over the forehead messily before drawing the sloped nose.

Luke looked up at Reece and smiled, before he turned to Char, "do you have colours?" He asked.

She nodded and handed him the pencil case of coloured pencils. He took out a pink and started at Reece's lips before he glanced up at Char who was looking at the picture before she looked at Luke. "It's really good." She smiled.

"It's only good because what I'm drawing is so pretty." Luke said making Charlotte snort out a laugh.

"It's ugly." She said. "And stupid."

"What is?" Reece asked.

"Nothing, your sister is a meanie." Luke said, poking char's leg. "She's just jealous because I got a hot boyfriend."

Reece stood up, "let me see what you drew." He said, but Luke shook his head, folding the paper and putting it in the pocket of his button up.

"Nope, you're not allowed." Luke said, smiling making Reece send him a faux glare before the brunette sat on Luke's lap making him shriek at the sudden weight. "Damn what have you eating?"

Reece laughed, "thanks baby."

Luke smiled and wrapped his arms around Reece's waist, squeezing his tummy before Reece shuffled around, letting Luke rest his head on his boyfriends chest.

"Dinners ready!" Reece's mum yelled making Reece get up and help up his boyfriend.

The three went to the table and they sat, Iris putting their plates in front of them. "Here we go kids." She smiled before going back to get her plate before sitting down between Reece and Char at the head of the table.

1956 ⇝ Luke Hemmings ✓Where stories live. Discover now