1956: chapter ten

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I'm tired and my chest hurts

Luke so pretty in stripes


Friday May 25th, 1956

It was the night of the dance and Luke was dressed in a suit. His dad was going out for the night, to play poker and drink and Luke didn't mind, he wouldn't be here anyway.

When Luke knew his dad was gone he checked the time to see it was almost seven and Reece was on his way to pick him up. Luke waited by the front door patiently and when Reece knocked, he answered quickly. He let Reece take his hand and drag him to the car.

Reece got in the drivers seat as Luke got in the back seats, opening the bag Reece brought with him full of clothes as they drove. Luke took off his tie, unbuttoning his shirt. "You look hot in a suit." Reece said, peeking through the mirror to which Luke slapped his shoulder.

"Stop staring you perv, eyes on the road." Luke rolled his eyes, taking off his slacks and pulling on some of the tight jeans Reece owned. "How do you walk in these?" Luke exclaimed making Reece laugh.

Luke got changed, putting on the leather jacket before he climbed in to the front seats, pecking Reece's cheek. "Hi."

"Hello gorgeous." Reece smiled.

Luke turned on the radio, before he wound down the window and rested his head out of it. Luke sighed happily at the breeze, watching the houses and lights pass by them.

They drove for almost an hour when Reece stopped the car in a car park outside a pub. Luke wound the window back up and waited till Reece came to his door--Reece insisted. He opened the door for his boy before taking his hand. "I know a bar isn't romantic and I can't hold your hand inside but I wanted to get to know you where no one knows us."

Reece smiled at Luke, as they leant against the car. He leaned forward and kissed his lips softly. "That okay bam bam?"

Luke nodded, "Yeah."

"Then let's go."

Reece let go of Luke's hand and led them inside. "I'm gonna introduce my friend to you as well." Reece said, leading him to the door of the bar. Reece opened it for him and Luke walked in first and the paid walked to the bar.

A jukebox was loudly playing and people were talking and yelling and drinking. Reece led Luke to the bar. "Hey Q!" Reece yelled, getting his attention.

"Reece!" He grinned, walking towards the couple. "Is this Luke?" He asked.

Reece threw his arm around Luke, "This is him, a beauty isn't he?" Luke blushed at Reece's words and looked down.

Q grinned at the sight of the smile on Reece's face, he'd never seen him so happy. "Sure is, I'm guessing you two want a beer."

Luke looked up, "I'm seventeen, I'm not old enough." He told Reece, who shook his head and told Q to get two beers. "Reece, my dads gonna notice."

"Ive got gum you'll be fine." Reece soothed, moving his arm from around Luke and taking the drinks from Q who said they were on the house.

The boys sat down at a booth across from one another and Luke pulled his legs up to his chest, taking the beer from Reece and sipping it.

"So I brought you here because I wanted to get to know you." Reece started, "I'll ask you...twenty questions and I'll tell you my answer to them aswell, sound good?"

Luke nodded, "Okay let's go."

"Favourite colour?" He started.

"Blue." Luke smiled sweetly.

1956 ⇝ Luke Hemmings ✓Where stories live. Discover now