1956: chapter five

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Luke in a sweater is my aesthetic


Monday May 6th, 1956

Luke stood at his locker, sorting out his books, he had history first and English straight after, he hated being late to class. Luke was wearing Reece's leather jacket today, mainly because his usual coat got paint on it from when he was doing some painting on Sunday morning.

Luke shut the locker door only to be faced with Reece, "Well don't you look cute in my jacket." Reece said grinning.

"Thank you." Luke blushed, his heart pounding from the slight scare of Reece standing there.

"So I'm gonna ditch last period, maths, and I was wondering if you'd like to join me?" Reece asked, "We could go get ice cream or go to the beach, anything you like."

"I would love to but I can't miss maths, I'm already failing it." Luke admitted, looking down shyly, "I don't want to fall behind aswell."

"I could help with that, I have a B in maths." Reece smiled.

And yes, Luke was getting D's and the occasional F so he said yes, "You can help me bump my grade up." He smiled softly.

"When should we start?" Reece questioned, standing up straight against the locker.

"Could you come over today?" He asked, "After school?"

"Sure thing sugar, I'll see you at three thirty." Reece smiled before the bell rang.

"Oh and wear something nice, if my dad sees you're a Greaser he'll yell at me." Luke said, grabbing Reece's sleeve as he turned to leave.

Reece sucked in a breath, "Not sure if I can do that, Luke." He chuckled, touching Luke's hand on his sleeve, "I'll try my best."


As soon as Luke walked out of school, he saw Reece waiting for him. Luke walked towards him and Reece grinned, before the two began walking to the car park.

Luke could feel everyone staring at them as they made their way to Reece's car. They got in it and Luke put on his seatbelt before letting Reece drive out of the school. "What did you do while you ditched?"

"I hung out with Michael." Reece shrugged, coming to a red light. "We went to the beach and smoked."

Luke nodded, listening to the song on the radio and smiling softly. He really liked Reece, and he had a sort of plan together for when they got to his house. Hopefully if Luke didn't chicken out, it would work.

They arrived at Luke's house and thankfully Andrews car wasn't there. The two walked up the path, Luke unlocking the front door for them. The boys went upstairs to Luke's room and Reece smiled at the posters of Elvis and the bright white walls, along with Polaroids, some of Luke with an older woman, presumably his mum, and his friends.

"Okay so what don't you understand?" Reece asked, taking off the leather jacket and leaving him in the tight black shirt. Luke took off Reece's jacket and he was wearing a blue button up, the top two buttons undone. They both sat down on the bed and Luke dragged his math book from his bag, along with a pencil.

"Um, everything?" Luke giggled and grabbed his glasses, he only needed them for class and seeing the boards but he remembered Reece said he liked them.

"So let's start with whole numbers okay?" Reece suggested and Luke nodded, opening his book to find the page.

Reece stared at the boy until he moved the book towards him and he looked down, seeing crosses from getting the answers wrong. "Oh baby, you can't math." Reece chuckled, making Luke hides his face in his hands. "We're gonna have to meet up more and get your grade up."

Luke glanced at Reece seeing him going through the book and Luke couldn't wait to see him more often, even just for tutoring.

"Oh by the way." Reece said, looking up at Luke, their eyes meeting. "You look insanely cute in your glasses. I always thought you did."

Luke blushed, looking down. Luke couldn't help but hate himself for the impure thoughts of Reece. He was just so heavenly.

Reece's hands went towards Luke's face and he took them off, before sliding them on to his own face and he blinked, "These are strong Luke."

Luke stared at Reece, his mouth wide open, he really wanted to pounce the Greaser boy. He was sure Reece wouldn't mind either.

"How do I look, sugar?" Reece asked and Luke gaped.

"G-Good." So fucking good.

Reece took the glasses off of him and slipped them back on to Luke's face again, watching the blond blink at the change in sight.

Luke looked at Reece in the eyes, he was staring, "What?" Luke questioned, tilting his head to the side.

Reece leaned forward and wiped at Luke's glasses with his thumb. He pulled back and showed Luke the eyelash on his thumb. "Make a wish, beautiful."

Luke closed his eyes and repeated in his head what he wanted, then he opened his eyes and blew at the eyelash making Reece smile at his pouted lips. "What did you wish for?"

"It's a secret." Luke giggled.

"But I found the eyelash, you have to tell me." Reece said, pushing Luke's glasses up his nose for him. "Cmon Lukey boy, tell me."

Luke bit his lip, before sighing softly, he rested his chin on his bent Palm, looking Reece in the eyes, "I wished that if you kissed me, no one would care."

Reece stared at Luke for a few seconds before he leaned forward, pressing his lips to Luke's. Their noses bumped as they kissed, only chastely, no tongue. Reece held his hand to Luke's cheek as they pulled away, their foreheads touching as Luke and Reece both took in a breath.

"I guess I'm your genie then."



Ok if you accidentally broke your friends glasses would you pay for new ones for them? Because it was essentially your fault they broke?? Because my friend did this to me and didn't pay for them and I have like zero money

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