1956: chapter twelve

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Long chapter pls comment spam (2.6k words damn)

Could you do me a favour guys? We have to get primary research for art by taking our own photos and my subject is masks so if you have a random mask, take some photos and tweet them me (@ in bio) IF YOU DO THIS YOURE A GOD SEND ILY ALL

Thank you if you do!!


Monday June 4th, 1956

Luke sat in the library, staring down at the note he'd found in his locker, 'meet me in the library at lunch -R'. He'd been sitting here ten minutes waiting.

The doors of the library opened and Luke looked up, smiling at the sight of Reece. Reece sat down from across from Luke, wrapping his legs around Luke's thigh. "What happened after you left with Calum?" Reece instantly asked.

"He uh threatened to tell my dad and everyone about us." Luke said quietly, he hadn't talked to Calum in class today, he was pissed at his friend.

"That little bitch." Reece scowled, before Luke felt his hand being taken under the table from the brown eyed boy. Luke smiled at the contact and squeezed his hand.

"Oh um I still need that math revision, would you help me?" Luke asked.

Reece smiled and crossed the table to sit next to Luke instead. Their hands entwined as they revised together, and as the warning bell rang they put their stuff away and stood up. "Oh I'm sorry I couldn't stay on Friday because of what happened. We can try another time?" Luke suggested.

"That's fine by me." Reece grinned, "I want to share a bed with you, I'm a cuddler."

Luke blushed, "Yeah, okay."

Reece pulled Luke closer, leaning down to his ear, "maybe we can do what we did the other day, this time to me." Reece looked down at his boy and grinned at Luke's hot cheeks.

The two walked to the bathroom because Luke said he needed to pee before lesson started. Reece held Luke's bag while letting him pee and wash his hand before he gave it back. Reece gripped Luke's hips, pulling the blond as close as possible. Reece pressed his lips to Luke's, the blond smiling in to the kiss, his arms around Reece's neck.

They kissed for a few moments before Reece pulled away first, Luke chasing his lips for more making Reece chuckle and peck Luke. "I'll see you tomorrow beauty."

Luke nodded, kissing Reece one more time before he left to his class. The hallways were empty so Luke knew he was late to English. He arrived at the class and knocked on the door, the teacher opened it and glared. "You're late. You have an after school detention for half an hour. Did you bring your homework?"


"That's a no then, make it an hour after school." She let Luke in the class and he sat down, only to receive a pink slip to his desk making him sigh.

Luke pouted as the lesson started, before someone poked his arm. He looked to his left to see Calum, "Where were you?"

"In the library studying." Luke said flatly.

Calum didn't believe him for a second.


Luke had never had detention before so he didn't know what to expect but he did not expect the chaos he saw inside the room. Music was playing and people were yelling and dancing and throwing things and there was a couple making out against the wall.

1956 ⇝ Luke Hemmings ✓Where stories live. Discover now