1956: chapter twenty-two (+)

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Saturday July 6th


"You're an idiot." Luke mumbled, holding the frozen peas to his boyfriends eye. "Walking in to doors." He rolled his eyes.

"I couldn't help it, you were sitting there in jut your boxers and shirt." Reece sighed, his hands sliding down Luke's back to his ass, patting him. "You look gorgeous."

Luke smiled, "sorry I distracted you." He pouted at Reece, his hand still on Reece's eye, the other on his cheek. "And thank you." He pulled the ice away and kissed Reece softly.

"You deserve all the compliments." Reece smiled, "I have something for you."

Luke furrowed his eyebrows, "you brought me something?"

Reece nodded, "mhm." Reece wrapped Luke's legs around his waist. "In my room." He said and picked Luke up, standing.

Luke rested his head on Reece and let him carry him up the stairs to his room. "I hope you like what I got you." Reece mumbled, "I got the weirdest looks ever."

Luke giggled, as Reece sat on the bed, Luke still in his lap. "Where is it?" Luke questioned.

"In the closet, it's in a pink bag." Luke nodded and got off of Reece, who stared at Luke's soft rounded bum as he bent over to pick up the bag from the closet. "C'mere first." Reece said.

Luke put the bag down before climbing back in to Reece's lap. "Hm?" He hummed, feeling the slight hard on in Reece's jeans. Luke blushed, "You have a boner."

"I do, because of you." Reece grinned, touching Luke's thigh, seeing the hickeys there from the night before. "Y'know you always look so beautiful underneath me." Reece said softly, glancing up from Luke's thighs to his face. "Especially the other day after the fight, you were such a lovely mess."

Luke blushed deeply, kissing Reece again. "Can I open the bag?"

Luke opened the bag, his mouth opening and his brows furrowing again in confusion. "Girls underwear? I can't wear this."

"Why not?" Reece chuckled at Luke's face as he picked up the white lace underwear.

"Because they're for girls." Luke said, with a duh tone.

Reece sat up, holding Luke closely. "Baby clothes don't have a gender to them, a boy can wear them too. Girls can wear jeans too if they like." Reece said, lifting his hand to Luke's chin and gripping it. "Go try them on for me darling."

Luke nodded and stood up, grabbing the underwear again and leaving to the bathroom.

Luke shut the door behind him before he took off his boxers, he was semi hard at Reece's words from before so as he picked up the underwear he looked down at the material in his hands, he decided to tease Reece a little.

Luke giggled before slipping the white lace up his legs, then his thighs and the material settled nicely on his bum. Luke looked in the mirror, turning to look at his bum in the reflection. He looked good.

Luke left the bathroom and went to the bedroom again, standing in the doorway, peeking his head through the door. "Close your eyes."

Reece grinned and closed his eyes before he heard the door squeak open. He heard footsteps and then Luke climb in to his lap. Luke grabbed his hands before they were placed on Luke's bum. "Can I open my eyes?"

1956 ⇝ Luke Hemmings ✓Where stories live. Discover now