1956: chapter thirty-two

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Sunday August 25th, 1956


Luke kissed Reece, letting the brunettes hand slip through his fingers. "Love you." Reece mumbled, kissing Luke's head before opening the hotel door with his bag in hand. "I'll see you in a few hours."

"Be safe." Luke replied, "please."

Reece nodded, "of course now tell me you love me Bambi."

"I love you." Luke smiled.

"I love you more."

Reece left the hotel room before Luke turned to Calum who sat on the bed. The tv was on and Luke jumped on the bed beside him before cuddling in to the kiwi boy.

"'M gonna miss you." Calum sighed, making Luke pout. "A lot, I feel like I'm losing my best friend."

"I'm not dying." Luke said with a laugh. "It's just Perth, Cal."

"Don't jinx it Luke." Calum scoffed.

Luke giggled, "I'll be fine," he pressed a sloppy kiss to Calum's cheek making him scrunch his nose up and push the blond away. "I'll be okay, I've got Reece to protect me."

Calum sighed, pulling Luke in for a hug. "Should we ask Q to bring us food?" Calum suggested.


After eating and laughing, the two boys lay on the bed, falling asleep. Calum watched his best friend sleep perfectly still, he was so worried for Luke and his future. He knew it wouldn't be good because he liked boys, but he couldn't change Luke. That's why he had been so rude before, he didn't want Luke hurt.

A few hours later, Luke woke up, Calum gone but the shower running. Luke yawned before getting out of the bed. He headed to the bathroom door and seeing it was open, he pushed the door open.

He stepped in, seeing Reece's bag on the floor so he smiled and stripped down. He got in the shower behind Reece, the brunette not taking notice so he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, resting his cheek against his shoulder.

"You okay?" Luke asked, slightly nervous to see the state Reece's face might've been in.

Reece nodded and Luke pulled away, letting him turn around and luke winced at the sight in front of him. Reece had a swollen right side of his mouth, a forming swollen black eye and a split lip, as well as a cut head.

"You poor thing." Luke frowned, leaning up and kissing Reece's forehead. "I'll clean you up."

Reece nodded and pulled Luke in for a hug, they stood like that until they got out of the shower. They wrapped a towel around them before Luke sat on Reece's lap, cleaning up his face.

Luke pressed soft kisses to Reece's face making the blond grab his wrists and push them off. "Stop Luke."

Luke frowned, letting himself be pushed off Reece's lap as the brunette stood up and grabbed some boxers and got in to bed. Luke watched Reece move before the brunette opened his arms, inviting Luke for cuddles.

Luke smiled and grabbed some boxers before getting in to bed with Reece. "I did it," Reece said. "We're getting the money in the morning, then we'll leave."

Luke smiled, kissing Reece's jaw. "I can't wait to leave, I can't wait to be with you."

"I called up the guy in Perth about getting married." Reece said, kissing Luke's forehead.

Luke let out a giggle, kissing Reece in pecks across his neck. "I can't wait."

"He works at the court house so it would be legal, apart from the fact were boys. But no one cares to look at marriage certificates anyway." Reece said with a small shrug making Luke giggle and kiss his cheek. Reece scrunched up his nose at the slight pain.

"I'm gonna buy us some rings and I'll have you walk down the aisle and we're gonna be married." Reece rambled, "I'm going to give you the world Luke." He looked down at his blond bombshell and pressed his lips to his.

Luke grinned, "I love you."

"I love you too."

Luke peered over Reece's shoulder, seeing his gun on the bedside table and he sighed in to his boyfriends skin.

"Before we leave, can we go to the cemetery?" Luke asked, "I want to meet dad there, to say bye to my mum."

Reece nodded, "that's okay, I already said goodbye to Charlotte and Mum anyway." Reece said.

"When?" Luke asked.

"Before the fight." Reece said before he wriggled from Luke's grip and went to the bathroom, grabbing his bag.

Reece bent down and unzipped the bag, he rummaged through it and once finding the small blue velvet box, he pulled it out. He opened the box, seeing the sparkling engagement ring and smiling. He closed the box again before going to Luke.

He crawled up the bed, straddling Luke. "Both of our parents got married pretty young and I know people do that, so I guess we're following in their footsteps." Reece said. "And my mum gave me her mums engagement ring, and she told me when I officially popped the question, I should give it to you then."

Luke beamed up at Reece, watching as he opened the blue box and he saw the ring. Luke covered his face and giggled, "oh my god."

"Will you marry me Luke? Officially?"

Luke moved his hands and nodded, Reece grinned and took Luke's hand, then the ring and sliding the diamond ring on Luke's slim finger.

"God I love you so much." Reece said, kissing Luke deeply, wincing at the pain. "I know I look an absolute mess and you'll remember this proposal and I would've looked a mess."

"A hot mess." Luke said making Reece chuckle kissing Luke again. "I love you too by the way."

Luke smiled, "we should sleep, and be ready for tomorrow."

Reece nodded, leaning across to turn off the light before he got in to bed beside Luke and pulled him close. "Love you Hemmings."

"Love you too Grean."


Also i have 2 more books coming soon! Nurture which is daddy!luke (not Kinky) and a muke book called the lucky one! You should check them out and add them to your libraries!

I have 3 exams for college next month so slow as fuck updates and then I'll be back to do lots of updating!! 

1956 ⇝ Luke Hemmings ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora