Sticky Situation

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"Come on, Nick.. Why aren't you answering??! Urrrrgh.." Judy bit her lip in frustration, hanging up the phone. She was calling Nick to remind him about their mini-date. But, she gets no reply. For the 50th time.

NICK's area

"So, i'd oughta tell you. You guys. Are the best, also i just want to say-"
"Shut it" The big brown bear said to the sly fox. His mischievous face made them furious. "Why am i here in your place anyways? I gave you the money-"
"Half" The bear, Arnold, screamed at Nick. "Yeaaaaah... About that half-"
The bear huffed
"Whaat- I'm working on it." Nick grinned. "Hey, how about i pay you back in Zootopia's finest popsicle?" Nick chuckled
"Ooh, i love those! Hey, i love those a lot-"
The other bears looked at the smallest one there.
"Anyways, i want something more valuable.. Your partner? Is her name, Judylee? Judy? Right! Judy" All the bears laughed
"Yeah, no. Sorry can't do that. But hey, i offered the popsicles. You big guys get a discount." Nick hit the big bear with the side of his elbow.
"Lock him up." Arnold exclaimed as the bears dragged the small fox into the chamber.


"Hey, Clawhauser? I know its my vacation.. But i haven't seen Nick in a minute. Could you please help me?" The worried bunny walked in circles, holding the phone with nothing but her shoulder and the side of her head. She was looking at a picture of both Nick and her.
"Oh, Judy. Judy moody! I'm sure its nothing! Really, Nick couldn't possibly find himself at trouble since he's got you. Plus, if he did, he would've used his mind tricks to get him out of it, you know, his magical powers" Clawhauser laughed loud into the rabbit's ear. "Hey. Strong sense of hearing over here" Judy held the phone while he was on speaker.
"Im sorry Juds! It's just that Nick isn't dumb, so don't worry. But, i will alert you if i see him around. Maybe he's gonna surprise you with, like, another back hug." He laughed again as Judy held the phone further away. "Yeah.. Thank you Benj. I should go now."
No matter how crazy she knew she sound, or how much people tried to cheer her up, she still didn't believe that Nick would just leave her. It didn't sound like him. So, she set out to find him.
She checked all the places Nick could've went, and all the places they'd never went. As soon as she hit the forests. She heard an echo. It wasn't just any echo. She went to go check it out.
Hiding behind a tree, Judy found herself looking at a group of bears laughing at what seemed like; nothing.
She decided to make a go for it. They seemed suspicious.
"Judy Hopps, ZPD." She whipped out her badge.
"I couldn't help to notice how malicious you fellow bears look, standing in the middle of no where, laughing at- well, nothing. But i would like for you bears to answer a couple of questions, if thats fine." She took out her carrot pen from her pocket and a notepad. "Ok, we'll wait for the real cops to come-"
"Oh my. You just gave me a flashback. I had a partner, who's missing. Yeah, he said the same thing to me and well now we work together. Just as that! So, start talking." Judy wrote down notes. "Go on." She looked up at the tall bears. "Sorry, we don't speak to no bunnies." They laughed walking in. Judy noticed a small chair and a big desk.
As the mammals walked in the tall door, Judy snuck underneath them, crawling into a cracked door. It was cold and dark. She noticed a shadow. Her ears were twitching in different directions as she heard movement.
"Psst- Judy!" Nick called the tiny bunny over. "I can't see like anything. So just bear with me" Judy slightly laughed as she crawled over to the sound of his voice. "I've been calling you. Like, all day" she giggled, untying Nick from the cold pole. "Yea, i had to drop everything at my house down so i could end up being locked in a chamber that smells like horse manure." Nick smiled. "How'd you get yourself in this mess. I thought we made it clear. No messes. None of this." Judy sighed.
"Remember those Gazelle tickets? Yeah, well i borrowed money from these guys to get you what you wanted." Nick looked at Judy as she struggled to find his face. Nick placed her hand on his face. "Right here." Nick said.
"Nick. Gosh. You didnt have to do this i mean really.." Judy was serious. "Eh. It was just something to repay you back. But now i'm here so we're even." Nick smiled. They heard thumps getting louder. Nick looked at the door. "Dammit, Juds. You forgot the door." Nick shook his head. He got up, dropping the rope. "What- it was already open. I can't see so." Nick leaded Judy out as the bears weren't looking.

"So what do you say? Our mini-date?" Nick smiled, shoving Judy slightly over.

A/N: this is just something i put together, i started writing this a couple of weeks ago, and i finished it today! If it seems rushed, i'm sorry. I'm making a fanfic video for this story. The video will have a romance theme. I'll publish it as soon as im done editing it. I'll make a new chapter & leave it there.

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