Anyone can be anything

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"Alright, darlin'. All cuddled up with Mr.Snuggles too." Nick tucked in his 6 year old hybrid child. "Daddy. I have a problem.." The young Bunnyfox showed a worried expression. "What happened, Nyla?" Nick asked as Judy walked in with a warm bottle. "Well.. Derick and Steven keeps on picking on me calling me a project and a inter-spieces weirdo." Her voice got shaky. Nick was in shock. Without having anything to say, Judy helped. "Oh, honey. Dont listen to them.." She sat on the bed, next to Nick. "Yes, you are an inter-spieces child, but that's what makes you special and unique and me and daddy love you even more for being so special." She continued, placing her paw on Nyla's leg. "Yeah, you are very unique. And let those punks know this is Zootopia, anyone can be anything" he expaned his arms as he said those words. Judy smiled as they both stood up. "Goodnight, baby." Judy and Nick walked out as Nyla fell asleep


"Ewwww, look at the hybrid child" Derick and the fox's laughed at the small bunnyfox as she was walking to sit at her lunch table. "What's the matter? Ya' gonna cry" the group of guys followed Nyla. "No, im not. I am a hybrid but im a special one at that! This is Zootopia. Anyone can be ANYTHING" Nyla stood up to the fox's. All of them ooed and dissed the leader Derick.
They left Nyla alone after that day.

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