Secret Stash (hint of lemon)

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Judy had been with Nick for 3 months. Although he had went to her house, she never went to his.
She had an idea. She knew it was dirty; that's why she wanted to go and help him clean. Without asking.
She insisted a whole bunch of times to help him clean, but she'd fail. Was Nick hiding something?

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Nick jumped up as he noticed someone knocking on his door, but he thought it was the landlord for rent; which he had been avoiding for days. He'll make due; he just didn't like the old goat.
Judy came in. It was locked, but she had the key.
She came in with cleaning supplies and everything you would see in a janitor office.
"Nick?" she whispered, closing the door quietly. She had thought Nick was asleep.
She began picking up Nick's trash on the floor, making a pathway to Nick's room.
She opened the door that was cracked open to find Nick digging through a box. "Nick? Watcha got there?" Judy exclaimed as she tried to peek over Nick; but failed as Nick got up. "Babe! Hey! Why don't we go to the living room! It looks like we're cleaning today!" Nick got up and kissed Judy, pushing her out his room. "Nicholas" Judy tapped her foot. She walked inside Nick's room and looked in the box. Her eyes widened and her ears fell down "Oh my god" her cheeks displayed a dark pink color as Nick covered his face "we could use them for later~" Nick slyly smirked as Judy's ears shot back up.

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