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*Dirt is being kicked around due to running*
She took a break. Just for a second, she was out of breath. It happened to be by the lake. "Water" She sighed in relief. The small bunny smiled as she gathered some water in her container, and giving some to her horse. "We should be safe now, Greeney" She smiled; there was a moment of silence until the horse jerked.
The bunny placed her hand on a knife she held in her boot "who's there!" she yelled out, circling around the premisses. A fox rushed out of the bushes "you" he went up to the bunny who had pulled out her knife "don't start with me, sheriff" she smiled as he sighed. "I'll let you go. Since you are pretty cute" he looked at the bunny, smirking. "Don't call me that" She got on her knees "what are you doing?" the fox asked "i'm making a fire. Living in the woods, what? do you think this is some type of fairytale where i could just create fire.. or food? Anything of that source" She sighed, then smiled "luckily i'll get back to it now that you vowed to leave me be. Goodbye now" she got up to get more wood "let me help." He suggested, politely. "do you feel bad for me or something? Cause it's not working, hun. I've been running away from that queen since i was only yet an adult." She rambled as the fox interrupted her "well, i haven't been a fan of the queen. Actually, if she found out i'm here, well. She'll kill you, and me" The fox chuckled worriedly. "So go. I'll be fine. I always am" She smiled "you sure?" the fox had asked for reassurance "yes. Now go, before someone finds you here." She calmly sat down "wait- what is your name?" the fox turned around, making eye contact with the bunny "Judy. You must be Nicholas, right?" She giggled while he smiled "yes.. how'd you-" "you're quite the topic, Nicholas. Now hurry!" she chuckled again as she got up. "I will find you again, Judy" They both smiled as he ran away into the bushes. "Silly sheriff." she walked around her area, the pet her horse.

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