ZPD ship

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Judy and Nick walked in ZPD just as they do everyday. But today was different.
Judy and Nick had been best friends for 5 years now; and it's obvious that some feelings are between them. But Judy tries to avoid anything like that; except for Nick. He knows how he feels about Judy but he is too afraid to show it. And it is said a thousand times, but his pride gets the best over him.
It is about so obvious, even ZPD ships them; low key.

Judy laughed as Nick told another joke. They then walked in front of Benjamin Clawhauser's desk to sign in. "Morning love birds, how's your morning so far?" Clawhauser giggled as he passed the sign in sheet towards Judy; who blushed majorly. "Funny" Nick smirked with his usual hazy facial expression. "Listen, Clawhauser; if you're here to mock me for not getting that promotion.. Don't bring up Nick-" "Oh, nonsense! Why would i do that?" Clawhauser showed a serious expression on his face. Judy walked away as Nick followed behind. "Clawhauser's a nice guy" Nick chuckled as he sipped his coffee "one that needs to shut his mouth-.. I didn't mean what i said, Nick. I'm just so tired of people always assuming we have something. Clearly we don't. Right, Nick?" Judy asked as she turned his back on him. "Riiiiiight" Nick whispered as he scratched his nape "Hm?" Judy looked at him in his eyes "N-nothing! I said- nothing" Nick sighed as Judy and him walked inside the bullpen.

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