4 facts about me loljk 13 more facts about me

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ok so i got tagged by Sandwichguy429 !! no s/n atm cuz im writing this in a car with talkative peoples
• you have to have a creative title (as you can see by mine, v creative)
• it must be in a book, not a comment
• tag backs are allowed
• cannot skip tags
& something else i forget but anyways lets do this

1. i ship tadahoney IN CASE you guys didn't know (-;
2. i'm in highschool
3. i really love to sing
4. i suck at drawing
5. my fav girl group of all time is Girls generation. my bias used to be Sooyoung, but it then changed to Sunny!!!
6. my name was gonna be bianca
7. my middle initial is O.
8. i dyed my hair red currently and it came out i dont even know
9. im a deep thinker
10. i dont like MLP
11. my fav youtuber is Dashieeeeeeee omfggggggg HES SO FUNNY LOL
12. my other fav girl group is IOI. i haven't yet chose my bias because i love everyone in the group; but i'm choosing either between Pinky, Somi, & Mina!
13. i once made a fanfic for cinderella omfg cringeeee afffffff nobody liked it (i wrote it on fanfiction.net) it was like an AU but apparently they didn't know what that was back then LOL

i tag (i forgot how much people i'm supposed to tag so i'm just tagging some of my fav writers & friends)

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