Final 🌸

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okay guys. let me start by apologizing.
i know you all have been probably waiting for an update, i dont know. but i'm finally finishing this book.
actually, one of the reasons why i was delaying is because i didnt get over Junick. they're still my otp forever no matter what; and like i said i go through writing block & creative block. and what not. i thought it was a phase.
it wasn't.
i don't necessarily wanna call it "growing out" or "losing interest" w evidently, but i have been focusing mostly on other stuff. so that's why i haven't posted in a while, and i have figured out what i want to do. i'm just gonna end this book.
i'm proud of my accomplishments & meeting such nice readers liKE YOU GUYS!! i love you all, especially the ones who've been supporting non-stop since the first chapter. not a day goes by where i regret this book bc you guys & writing has always brought me through the roughest times in my life during the book's time period. and you guys also brought me happiness. i just love you all to bits and pieces, please remember that.
as i said, i didnt want to leave you guys hanging bc you guys don't deserve that treatment. i've done so in the pass because i had no support; but you guys. were the reasons why this book even got to almost 100 chapters. i dont know if i'd look like a creep after 100 chapters though LOL. im so surprised i even got there.

SO, with that being said. im not entirely leaving wattpad bc i love writing. its just a trait of mine that i cherish 24/7. here's my question to you guys; would you all like me to create junick one-shot prompt books? i know. it probably sounds crazy. but i have a WHOLEEE bunch of un-released juicy one-shots and even book ideas! comment suggestions 💜

i hope i brought you guys nothing but laughs, entertainment, cries; everything of that sort. 🌸 i love you all very much. but i will be back with a book in the future. i'm never leaving this acct 💓 ILY

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