In love with you

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A/N: This oneshot was given to me by DonavonWatson ! Keep on requesting on my previous chapter!

Nick leaned against the desk chatting with Clawhauser when he saw his bunny partner. Clawhauser gave me the signal. "Hey Judy" I smoothly slid infront of her as she was walking. "Hey Nick, what's up?" Judy said as she tried to walk pass him. "Ohhhh, nothing. Just- hey. Chief Bogo isn't here today.. Sooo" Nick looked at Clawhauser; he was sending Nick signals, telling him to improvise. "He, left me in charge" Nick said slyly. Judy laughed "Nick, you, come on, move" Judy walked to Clawhauser. "Oh, look at you name here Judy. Yeah, Chief assigned you with Nick for patrolling" Clawhauser said as Nick sighed in the back. Judy and Nick both put their hands on their hips. "What's going on here?" Judy tapped her foot on the ground. She turned to Nick. "I don't care. Lets go to work" Judy walked infront of Nick as he followed. Nick through up his thumbs to Clawhauser.

Both Judy and Nick got into the car "where are we patrolling today, Nick? Since you're 'in charge'" Judy giggled. "Main Street" Nick responded as Judy turned on the car. "Ay hay captain" Judy drove responsibly to the center of Zootopia, Main street. The city of lights and billboards and all animals of all kinds come here! "There" Nick led Judy to park in front of a restaurant. "Ooh, i've always wanted to eat there" Judy looked out the window. "Actually, we have to go in there.. Because i saw some malicious activity earlier. I couldn't do anything without you" Nick was nervous, but once Judy turned to him his expression changed to a smile. "Mmkay.." Judy and Nick both got out. Nick led Judy in. He spoke to the waiter

"Right this way" the giraffe led Nick and Judy to a table. "Table for 2? Thank youu" Nick smiled at the waiter as he pulled Judy's seat out. "N-Nick, what's going on, we're on duty-" Judy looked at Nick "Hey, no it's if's or but's. Just me, you, and dinner. I'll explain after" Nick charmingly said. "But what a- Urrggghh. Whatever. Okay" Judy smiled at Nick as he sat down. Judy thought it was just one of Nick's plans to rebel against something; she has witnessed it before. But she actually liked it. She was concerned about her job and the fact that she could loose it, but she liked Nick's attitude and comfort.

Nick and Judy finished the night laughing at one of Nick's past experiences. "Y'know, i never told you why i did this.. But.. Judy. I love you- I'm in love with you. And there's energy between us and i feel it. We've been friends for almost 4 years now and i think its time. We're both totally opposite but that's what makes us alike. We both share the same intrests! I love it when you get angry at me whenever i pretend i've done something bad or whenever you're trying to think you always tap your chin with that stupid pen" Nick let out a brief laugh as Judy was looking at him in shock "I love how you could be a complete fat ass around me without even noticing. I love how you could be you. I love everything about the perception of you. I also love how you value your job and how much you hate when i say let's not go to work together, but you make me get up to go to work. You can have it your way. I'd put you above me. Only if you're willing to do this. Judy, will you be my girlfriend.." Nick asked as they both sat at the table "Oh.. Nick.. I- Yes! I've been feeling the same way.. But i didn't know how to tell you.. I love you too." Judy smiled and gave Nick a kiss. "Really. A lot." Judy gave him another kiss "and i hope i didn't loose my job did you-" "Come on Judy he doesn't have to know." Nick leaned back on his seat "Nick!!" Judy got up, and Nick followed

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