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"Nick.. I j- I don't understand why you come home like this every single night" Judy looked at Nick, whom was leaning on the couch. "Maybe because i'm not happy? Or maybe its because you'd rather work than spend time with me? Maybe i'm not good enough." He took another sip of his beer. Judy crossed her arms. "Nick..-" "I don't wanna hear it, Judy." He frustratingly said, failing to give eye contact. But Judy kept her eyes glaring at him. He'd never truly called her Judy. Even when they were on duty, in a serious case. "You know what.. Coming here was a waste of my time." Judy walked towards the door. "Don't come back" he said while Judy slammed the door.

   One week later...
Nick did not bother going to work today. He was sober for a week; thinking about Judy. He sat in the same spot he sat when he was drunk. He got up and walked out.
Reaching the tall, gloomy looking building, he went to the 3rd floor, where Judy was. And he found the spare key Judy kept for "emergencies". He opened the door & walked into the apartment. "Judy?" He silently said. He tried not to yell since it was morning and also her day off. He walked around the kitchen area, then to the back where her room was at. "Juds-" he knocked, but the door was half opened. He pushed the rest of it fully open & there Judy laid. Peacefully on her bed.
Nick sat next to her. "Judy.. I know you're mad at me." He sighed, rubbing his nape. "But i'm ready to change. For you. Us." he continued. She did not respond. "Judy, i know you're listening-" he placed his paw on her shoulder, rolling her towards him. "Judy?" he blinked since she did not move. "Hey.." He shook her; but her lifeless body showed no response. "H-hey..." he said, tearing up. He looked down & there was blood on her chest that leaked through her shirt.

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