Caught up

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"You know i love you right?" The sly fox said as he looked at the petite bunny sitting on the drivers seat. "So, what happened last night? You came home late, like really- late.. And i was worried! I thought you, i thought i, meant something to you" Judy sighed as she looked out to the passing cars. They were both on watch duty. Patrolling Zootopia's infamous highway for speed freaks & slow pokes. But today was different. Everything was normal. At least that's what it seemed like.
"It's not like that-" Nick scratched his neck as he tried to get Judy to look at him. Judy interrupted "those texts from a female fox.. You don't think i've seen the notifications while you got your coffee today. Please, tell me what's going on.. Am i not good enough? Or.. Is it because everyone looks at us weirdly when they see us being affectionate on the street or is it because your family doesnt like me? I know we haven't met but, you know what i mean.. I just can't think of good reasons as to why you're being suspicious.." Nick couldn't get a word out without Judy interrupting him. "It's not like im mad, well i am, well.. i'm not, actually, i'm worried and scared not only because you might leave me, but you might be going back to your old ways and i thought you were so over that, quote on quote." Judy looked at Nick. "Just- let me explain over dinner. Me, you, at 2 Goats Pizza." Nick managed to calm Judy down. It always made her flutter in the inside. He placed his paw on Judy's cheek, caressing her. "Hey" He caught her attention. She lift her head up to look into his eyes. "You know me Judy, and you know i would NEVER do anything to hurt you. Ever. Really." Nick kissed her forehead.
A car sped pass them as they were in their moment together. "Hate to interrupt a good moment" Nick smirked as he threw on his shades. Judy pressed the siren button. She smiled.

JuNick one-shots (Zootopia)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora