Stranger: 1

117 9 2

Judy smiled, walking with Nick as she stopped at Clawhauser's desk. "Out for the rest of the day" she added as Nick looked at her speak "where are you two going?" Clawhauser smiled widely, looking back and fourth at Judy and Nick "well, out. Nothing special.." Judy looked down "you know, being friends" she giggled as Nick looked away. "Well then" Clawhauser chuckled allowing the 2 to leave. "Oh! I forgot something! Wait for me in the car, pleaseee" Judy sighed, handing Nick her things. He watched her run, then proceeded to follow her commands.
Judy ran all the way to the headquarters, but was interrupted by something. "Oh! I'm sorry!" Judy rushingly said. She had bumped into a male bunny of her kind "It's fine" he chuckled, picking up his files. "I, uh, didn't know they hired people like me.." Judy helped him. "Yeah, well. You must be Judy?" He smiled, standing up straight; Judy following. "Yes! I am.. You are?" she smiled back "Josh Gillian" he proceeded to shake her hand, staring at her the way Nick had whenever Judy talked; with admiration. "Well, sorry for all this, but i have to go with a friend now" she smiled "do you think we could grab a drink? Tomorrow, maybe?" Josh asked while Judy sighed with such hope "Yeah, sure.. Well, i have to go!" Judy ran away as Josh watched.

"What took you so long?" Nick asked as Judy rushed in "i accidentally ran into a rabbit.. and, yeah. He's fine-" "he?" Nick interrupted Judy. She put the car keys into the ignition; starting up the car. She then looked at Nick with concern "Uh- y-yeah? Is there a problem? He's taking me out for, coffee" Judy smiled "I, okay" Nick looked out the window.

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