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"Hmm.." Judy looked through the cereal isle as she read her shopping list entitled 'please don't change anything; you need to get these things'
"Of course i need to get these things" she stared at the cereal she wanted, which happened to be on the top of the store shelf. "Okay. I can do this. I'm a cop" she hyped herself up as she jumped up teaching her paw out; but nothing. "Dammit.." she whispered. Judy looked around of her surroundings "a stool." she sighed. "Guess no cereal, sorry 'past' Judy" she placed her paws on her shopping cart. As Judy began to push she hit something "need any help, officer" the animal asked "ah, please don't call me that now, but no. I've came to my senses that i cant quite reach the top of that shelf-" she looked at the animal. A fox with tannish fur. "Doesn't look like you can either" she chuckled as he smirked "i kinda wish you were a giraffe right now" Judy added while he looked at the fox "well, it's intended to be for Giraffes actually. Buuuut, luckily for you, i happen to work here. I'm just off shift at the moment" he smiled. "It's not my fault, i just really like their cereal" she crossed her arms, tapping her foot. The fox laughed as he pulled out something from the other isle "this is a ladder" he explained "yes, i'm aware of that. I really want my cereal so can we hurry this up" she begged, giggling. "Okay, patience, bunny." he climbed up the ladder, reaching for Judy's cereal. He then climbed back down "thank you!!" she smiled, reaching for the cereal; but the fox pulled away "i give you this, in exchange for your name, wherever you work at, and whenever you get out" he slyly smirked as Judy placed her paw down. "Judy. I work at ZPD & i get out at 8." she smiled "cereal please" she reached out & grabbed the cereal. She placed it in her shopping cart, pushing it slowly away "I'm Nick" the fox added while Judy stopped "i know" she continued to push.

JuNick one-shots (Zootopia)Where stories live. Discover now