NickxJudy vid!

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I've made enough time to make a NickxJudy fan made video. It took about an hour and a half. But i did it on my phone so thats awesome! If you guys would like to know how i made this video or the process of getting the footage on my phone for the video, please comment! I would love to share my knowings with you all. (-:
So basically, this video is uploaded to my not-so-recent made youtube account. I'm going to start uploading there so if you could subscribe there, that will be great! If there is tutorials you want to see on how i edit my icon or anything of that sort, message me! I will be glad to do so!!
Without furr-ther ado, here's NickxJudy - DNA

PS: all the videos may be a little weird for you, because, well it's not so easy. I've said this before, but, it looks fine to me. I hope you guys really like this! I will be making more of these soon as the movie comes out online! So please, if you want to see another one near the future, let me know!

JuNick one-shots (Zootopia)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang