As if we met

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Judy's POV
I had been looking for that book for years. Okay, maybe that was an overstatement.. But it has been awhile.
But shit. It's so high up.
I was short. Duh, i'm a bunny- but. I wasn't really really short; i kinda like my size. Not too big, but not too small. Just, average me.
Besides the point. The book. I like reading; it's my thing. I read to get rid of the stress, because i feel as if i'm apart of the book.
The author "Nicholas? Wilde?" I say it weirdly because i've never heard of such a name. I guess in Zootopia, those names are common. Anyways, he's a really good writer, and if i'm a really lucky bunny i'd meet him one day. But i'm still small.
Rumor is he's in town.. Gosh, i'm so nervous, as if i'm going to meet him today. Us bunny's have a wild imagination.
Anyways, book after book. I'm trying to be lucky if i'd find a copy some place lower; within my reach. But no luck.
Still too high, and it's not going anywhere. I'd kinda wish it did like that saying "don't worry, it's not going anywhere" i wish it would. That way i could zap my food here, or zap the book in my reach!
Not gonna happen.
So i climb.
"Got it!" I ecstatically said as i start to climb down slowly. But me being me, i feel no more steps; but i'm barely down. I screamed loudly; damn.. I'm so loud. But i hadn't touched the ground; surprising, yet weirdly. I feel a presence as i notice a tannish red paw under the outside of my thigh. "Oh my-" I look at the face "I'm so sorry!" I said as he put me down. A fox? Why wouldn't this fox eat me because that is what's happening now, let alone catch me?
"Sorry, sorry" I pick up the book i had dropped, this is so embarrassing.. I scratched my nape as he admired me "Uh- hi? Have we met?" I asked, curiously. I doubt it, but if it'd get him to actually speak that'll be great. "I'm- sorry, no. You're just...- I see you around. Here. Sometimes" He stuttered. What the hell is going on? I think to myself "really? Well, that's nice" I framed a smile as i slowly walked away "what's your name?" he asked. PFFT, as if i'm ever gonna give you my government "why does it matter?" I asked, that'll make him go away. One for prey, zero for predator. I smirked as he continued to speak "if i.. ever see you again here, i'd like to know you more" the darn fox stopped walking, causing me to stop. Now the whole library is possibly watching. "Judy, my name is Judy" i say fast. I hope my reputation doesn't go down the drain. "Nice. I'm Nicholas" He smiled. My eyes widened. "The Nicholas Wilde? The writer of this ah may zing book?" I pointed towards the book "yes" he chuckled, placing his paws in his pockets "so that's how you pronounce your name" i giggled, walking out with him. Never thought i'd do it considering it'd be quiet dangerous, but i practically know him. His life. As if we met before. 

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