His favorite Cashier

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This had been Nick's 7th time visiting the supermarket down his block in the city of Zootopia. He'd been living here all his life; while the cashier, she wasn't. You could tell.
    Nick was a very sneaky fox. Smoothly stole stuff from the local stores, just enough to provide for him. But for some reason, he had a soft spot for this supermarket.

Nick walked inside the supermarket, picked up a basket, and walked passed the cashiers. He hadn't seen her today, but he hoped for the best.. He begun walking down the food isle, tempted; he hadn't touched anything. He sighed realizing what he was doing was pointless. A bunny would never even lay eyes on a fox, especially one like him. He had a sleazy, corny outfits, the usual.
    He crouched down to place his basket on the isle he was in. Ready to get up, he had bumped into a grey thing with some yellow; from what he could see. "Oh, i'm so sorry!" She had thought she'd knocked him down or something. Nick finally laid eyes on the animal in front of him; it was Judy. She had wore denim jeans, and of course; her yellow supermarket shirt that said the words "Zoo-Mart" in black & bold, with white converse. She was colorful, indeed; but it was well fitting. The way her jeans fit perfectly to hug her hips, her shirt just tight enough to show her curves. He let out a relieved sigh, as if his wife had went missing for hours, and really she was here. He rubbed his nape, and looked down. At loss of words. There was a tiny second of silence as Nick was stuck in his contemplations. "H-have we met before?" Judy's big, bright purple eyes met with Nick's. His pupils dilated. "Uh, m... yeah.. I actually live like right up the block from- well, maybe 2 blocks away from this market-" "well, i'm sorry for bumping into you." she calmly said, placing her paw on Nick's shoulder; in a friendly gesture. He flinched in surprise; but it wasn't something Judy noticed. "Yeah" he let out a dazy smile, astonished by Judy's aura & her, in general. She continued stocking the pantry into the shelves, when Nick built up some pride to start a conversation. He walked towards her, and fixed his tie. "So, um.. You new to Zootopia City?" He asked, trying to play it off. But he was nervous, and she noticed. She took a glance at Nick and chuckled. "Yeah, i'm from Bunnyburrow" she went back to stocking items. "Do you like it out here?" He asked again. "Well, yeah. It's something different. I'm currently majoring in Journalism, in ZCC." She paused. "It gets lonely sometimes, and sometimes i miss my parents, and siblings. But i always remind myself that it's something, new, you know?" Nick looked at her in awe. "Sorry, i don't mean to tel you my life story, i'm probably bothering you-" "No,no.. Continue." He insisted, she looked at him again, hesitantly, but she continued. Nick listened very thoroughly, just amazed overall. She was pretty, but her goals, aspirations, everything; it was something new to Nick also. He cut her off "Hey, Judy, is it?" he kept on looking at the side of Judy since she was still stocking stuff. "Yeah, It's Judy" she responded "how about i take you out, stroll the streets of Zootopia City.. When you're free; of course.." He smiled, she stopped what she was doing "you know, i'd like that." Judy smiled, making eye contact with him. "Great." he blushed as she giggled. "JUDY!" a big buffalo caught Judy talking to Nick. "I gotta go now.." Judy picked up the boxes the pantry was in and ran towards her manager. Nick turned around and walked out with pride. He felt like the happiest man alive.

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