Chapter 3: Uptight

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Eleanor was lost.

Completely and utterly lost in those beautiful brown eyes of his. His mouth was moving, but she couldn't seem to make out anything that he was saying. A total make out scene played in her mind as she stared at his chiseled jaw. His plump pink lips look delightful. She tried concentrating on what he was saying, but she couldn't.

Stop thinking of kissing him, she warned herself. Sighing, she finally turned her focus away from his lips. Shivers ran down her spine as she realized how red she must be right now. She must have been at least thirty different colors of a ripe tomato.

"So will you help me?" Even his voice was smooth, as smooth as silk and his words were as sharp as a knife, but with a certain degree of sweetness.

And suddenly, he disappeared, his brown eyes left an echo in her mind. A shadow irrationally descended upon her as the clear skin and white teeth completely faded away.

Eleanor awoke with Adam's name at the tip of her tongue.

"Bree darlin', you feeling okay? You were saying the name Adam all night." Josiah raised his eyebrows, then furrowed them once Eleanor glanced his way. Concern clouded his face as he stared at her in disbelief.

Eleanor's eyes widened, she hadn't realized. Of course she hadn't realized, it wasn't like she could control what she does when unconscious. She couldn't have possibly been stupid enough to express her love for Adam in her sleep.

"I'm fine." She gulped, turning toward Josiah.

"Are you sure? We could take you to a doctor if you need," he said and she hopped out of the bed. "I mean, maybe you're just really liking this guy- but I'm not sure if this is healthy for us..." he trailed off.

"I'm not crazy okay! It's just a celebrity crush, people get those all the time." Eleanor stifled her anger, heading toward the bathroom.

"But I'm sure people don't cry the name of said celebrity crush in their sleep." She bit her lip as Josiah appeared and leaned against the open door of the bathroom.

"You're jealous," Eleanor smirked now, it wasn't a question.

"Yeah actually. Kind of. Ever since we got here all you've talked about is that damned Adam Carnegie." Josiah crossed his arms, his southern accent thickening with every word as he stood baffled now. He was too cute and Eleanor was a sucker for jealous men.

"Calm down baby," Eleanor walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, staring into Josiah's eyes. "We're leaving today anyway." She kissed him softly, feeling the soft feel of his lips on hers.

His hand groped the side of her body as he pulled her closer to him. His soft kisses landed on her stomach as the sweater she had come home in came off. He brought his face up to her as she smiled against his lips.

"You need to shave," She laughed as they headed toward the bed.


The ring.

Eleanor's wedding ring had been on her fingers even after she ran away. And when Josiah asked about it, she would tell him it was the only thing left after her parent's died. She had become such a good liar, too good a liar.

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