Chapter 21: Talking Dead

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Eleanor slept in Stephanie Cooper's friend's mansion as soon as the show ended. It wasn't as nice as Adam's, of course, but who was she to judge. She was on her way to creating a new reputation- no- a new persona for herself and she didn't need the baggage she had left behind. The next morning, she woke up with a strange man sitting on top of her.

His hand was grasping her breast and his mouth was on her neck.

"What the hell?!" She screamed, kicking him where the sun doesn't shine as he flew off. She ran out the room. Suffice to say, she never stayed at Stephanie Cooper's friend's house again.

When she pointed this out to Stephanie the next day, she said it was normal for him to do that. That he wasn't accustomed to American Culture and thought anything with legs- and other female parts- was for one purpose. It was disgusting that Stephanie had accepted that her friend was a rapist. If Eleanor hadn't woken up when she had, she might've ended up pregnant or something.

Or something...

Her mind slowly wandered to Adam. She needed to get him out of her mind before she drove herself absolutely insane. But how could she get him out of her mind when he was... standing nearby?

She had to blink several times before she realized that Adam was walking through the doors of Demeter Modeling Co. and would soon make it to the second floor of the glass building. He could potentially make it so high up that there was no stopping him.

But the second floor was for models only, hopefully they wouldn't make any exceptions. Hah! Knowing the business man that he is, he could probably make his way to the roof with no problem. He could make it to mars if he wanted to. Eleanor frantically rushed to hide somewhere- anywhere. She found a door behind a long line of clothes and headed inside it. The clothes had toppled and some had fallen but not enough to give away her hiding spot.

She was afraid of confrontation and that Adam might send her to jail for killing his damn father. Could he do that? Did he even know?  Is faking your death a crime? Is killing your husband's father a crime? After all the hurt she caused him- Eleanor was the puppy a child gets on Christmas and what she did to Adam was take the puppy that he loved and killed it and then it came back to life to kill Adam's father.

She was panicking and her cover was obviously blown. She couldn't image how Adam could have found out. She regretted ever going to New Jersey. She should have just stayed with Josiah in Clearwater Oklahoma and spent her days baking at Lavela's. Although a dull life, a safe one.

When she looked at the strange room, she realized there were stairs and she headed up to reveal the roof. Nobody could spot her up here. She glanced down and Adam was nowhere in sight. He had probably entered through the giant glass doors of Demeter Modeling Co. and Stephanie Cooper probably had hopped right on him. A Carnegie would be a great way to spread the knowledge about her company. Which by now had already received so much coverage for finding a doppelgänger for Eleanor Carnegie. Demeter Modeling co was quickly blowing up and would easily surpass all others by the end of the week.

Eleanor sat silently, staring at the clouds until they moved to reveal the blazing sun in her eyes. So she turned another direction and again it seemed like the sun was following her. The cycle continued until Eleanor got annoyed.

She headed downstairs and hid again behind the door to the second floor.

"Has anyone seen Ally?" She heard Stephanie Cooper's voice, it was faint which indicated that she was still a ways away. "I literally just saw that girl."

Eleanor decided to stay in the room for another few minutes until the door opened to reveal none other than Stephanie Cooper.

"Ally, what are you doing in there?" She asked, "has the pressure gotten to you already? The tabloids love you and your performance last night was outstanding." She didn't care to mention the other performance that had happened in her friend's home this morning. Eleanor choked on her breath.

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