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He huffed, pushing the tetherball away from him and waiting for it to come back so he can push it can.

"Adam!" His mother called, rushing over to him across the play ground angrily. Her 1990s flowery dress floating behind her as she stepped over the wood chips and stopped in front of him.

He turned to face her, the ball hitting him square in the face and knocking him off balance.

"What happened to you?" She asked cautiously, grabbing his face to look at the bruises that developed.

"He started it." Adam said.

"Adam! I don't like this rebellious phase you're going through young man! You had me fly out from Washington to come pick you up from school. You need to fix this before it interferes with my life further."

"Mom, my face hurts." He muttered simply, stepping towards her and wishing so badly for a hug rather than a lecture.

"You ought to learn the hard way I guess." She said, "Mrs. Macy said she's going to forgive you this time. Okay- but you won't have recess all week because of this."

"What about Abram? He started it! Will he also not have recess?"

"Adam I'm not sure, you hurt him pretty bad, he might not be back for a few days. Don't you feel the least bit guilty about that."

"No. He deserved it."

Behind his mother came his father in an ironed suit that was perfectly pressed to suit him.

"That's my boy," he walked over to him and scrunched his hair.

"Hank!" Adams mother scolded, glaring at the two boys, "you shouldn't be encouraging this behavior! He got into a fight...."

"And he held himself up like a man. Kudos to you son." He chuckled, and maybe for the first time in all ten years of Adam's life, he'd shown him the affection and approval he desired.

"You're unbelievable!" Adam's mother crossed her arms over her thin figure, her brown hair swaying vibrantly in the light breeze.

"But you love me for it," Hank chuckled, pulling her to him and kissing her forehead. "Let's go home- get some ice cream."

"Hank, you're going to turn our son into a bully." Adam heard his mother mumble.

"That's the only way to get what you want in this world," he said coldly, without any room for argument as they all followed him out of the school.

They'd stopped for ice cream that day, probably the closest they'd ever been with one another was at Adam's first fight.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Hank's fancy wireless phone began ringing. He was probably the only person in town- if not the country- who owned one of those.

While the sun was bright outside and children were laughing and playing, Hank's light quickly dimmed as he got a call from work.

"I'll be there immediately." He responded, cutting their once-in-a-lifetime family time short.

"I've got to go baby." He kissed Adam's mother on her forehead once again before rushing out the ice cream shop and taking their car to the airport.

"Hank, wait baby!" She called after him, she had no other way to get home. But before he could say anything, she smiled at a quiet Adam. "I guess we're walking."

"You mean you're scolding me the entire way there." He muttered.

"That's not what I had in mind, but if you'd like a scolding, that can be arranged." She laughter lightheartedly as she held her son's hand.

They were walking and laughing all the way home. Adam pulled his hand away from his mothers as soon as he saw a crowd of boys walking past them.

"Who are they?" His mother asked.

"My friends. I don't want them to see me with my mom."

After a long pause, she smiled, "I understand love, but we're almost home and these shoes are killing my feet."

"Mom, go home then, I'll be here."

"Alas, you forget young man, you're grounded for getting into a fight. And I need to get back to work so I'll drop you off at home and then I'm calling a cab to take me back."

Adam sighed, "I love you mom, I love you too much. Can you stay? Please just one day?"

"Didn't you want me to hide a second ago?"

"Those guys are always commenting on how you look so I didn't want them to." Adam said, his mother pursing her lips.

"Okay love, I'll call them from the landline as soon as we get home! Look how close it is! I'll race you!" She laughed as Adam bolted to the house and she walked behind him.

After about ten more minutes, she entered their two-story American-style home with a white picket fence and a million dreams.

She tossed he high-heeled business shoes aside and walked barefoot to the telephone. The sun shining brightly through the open windows leaving stripes of light on the hardwood floor.

Adam was ecstatic as he heard her speaking on the phone. ".... can't make it... remainder of the day. My son needs my attention... okay I understand. I'll see you tomorrow Todd." She hung up as Adam rounded the corner with the biggest smile on his mouth.

"So my beautiful munchkin, what did you want to do today?" She turned to Adam, a broad grin reached her eyes.

He walked over to her, hugging her, his arms wrapping around her hips and his head resting on her stomach. "I'm sorry mom, I won't fight anyone ever again."

She hugged him back, pulling away slightly to get on her knees and meet him at eye level. "Love, I just don't want you to get in trouble, and there's always other ways to avoid a fight. Why did you need to hit Abram back?"

"He said something mean about Sally. He called her fat and she started crying."

"Ah I see," she kissed his forehead, "then that was very honorable of you Adam. Just don't hit anyone again. Okay love?"

"Okay mom! Can we go watch the new movie?"

"Which movie?"


"Yes, let me just change into something more comfortable and we can call a cab to the theater. And you go wipe those dried tears love,"

He nodded and rushed up stairs. They met downstairs and a cab picked them up.

Suffice to say, it was a very memorable day.

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