Baby Winnie, Part 2

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It was midnight when Phil heard the news. He'd been sitting at home barely paying attention to the TV which was switched to the news. He had been thinking about his feelings for Dan and how he'd love to have Dan and Winnie living with him. It got a little lonely in his house.

"One of the apartment buildings over on South St. has caught fire. There is no news of how the residents of the building are," the reporter said.

Phil's eyes shot up when she'd said South Street. That was where Winnie and Dan lived. Confirming his fears, he saw none other than their building on fire. It was midwinter now and he knew that they'd be cold and scared. He grabbed a blanket, a puffy coat and two thin jackets along with some water bottles before jumping in his car and driving towards the building.

Winnie was being checked on by a paramedic for the second time in her life and Dan was just staring hopelessly at the burning building. He rushed over to Winnie, who was clutching a stuffed lion that Phil had given her for her seventh birthday and a stuffed llama from Dan, and pulled one of the jackets on her before wrapping her up in the blanket and scooping the seven-year-old up. He then walked over to Dan and handed him the puffy coat and jacket which he tugged on.

"Thanks," Dan muttered. Phil just pulled him away from the building before handing Winnie and Dan a water bottle each which they drank gratefully.

Winnie burrowed herself into Phil's coat before addressing her father, "Dad, where are we going to go?"

Dan looked like he was stuck in between a rock and a hard place (AN: No one better say anything about my wording), "I-I dunno, baby, but we'll figure something out."

"You could come live with me," Phil blurted.

"A-are you sure?" Dan asked.

"W-well, yeah, I guess. It gets lonely at my house anyway and the rent is a little tough to handle on my own sometimes-" Phil was cut off by Dan attacking him in a hug.

"Thank you so much."

Phil blushed, "Y-you're welcome."

. . .

"Daddy?" Winnie asked as Dan tucked her into bed that night.

"Yes, kitten?"

"Do you love Papa? I think that you do. You look at him like you look at maltesers."

Dan blushed and looked towards the door as if Phil was there but he was down in the lounge. "I-I don't want to lie to you, baby. I-I think that I might."

"That's what I thought. I think that Papa loves you, too. He looks at you like he looks at, well, I dunno. Maybe Lion."

"I-I-I dunno, baby."

"I think so."

. . .

"Papa?" Winnie asked the next day as the two prepared lunch.

"Yeah, sweetheart?"

"Do you love Daddy?"

Phil froze and blushed wildly.

"Did you forget your line?" Winnie whispered after a moment of awkward silence.

Phil laughed slightly at the young girl who could always make him laugh before responding to her first question, "Y-yeah, I think that I do love him."

"Yay! No you two can get married and I want a puppy sibling! Or an actual sibling!"

Dan then pushed the door open.

"I told you, Daddy! He does love-"

Phil automatically reached over and placed a hand over Winnie's mouth, "Sarah Michelle Gellar," he finished. "Y-you know the actress who played Buffy."

"No," Winnie giggled. "He loves-"

"Lions," Phil interrupted.

"Stop being silly, Papa. You love Daddy and he loves you too."


"He told me! Just yesterday when I asked him and you told me that you love Daddy just now." Dan and Phil searched Winnie's face to see if she was lying but that wasn't the kind of thing Winnie did and they both knew it. She hopped up from her chair, "I'm gonna go get my plushies!" Winnie dashed up the stairs leaving to two men alone.

"W-was Winnie lying?" Phil stuttered.

Dan looked at his toes, "Not in my case, yours?"

"No... I love you, Dan. I know that we've only known each other for a bit but I do."

"I-I love you, too, Phil."

The two stepped closer to one another before leaning in. Their lips met and it all was bliss.

"Does this mean that you two are boyfriends now?!" Winnie said excitedly from the doorway causing the men to separate.

"I-I suppose so," Phil said when his eyes met Dan's after asking him the silent question.

"Yay!" Winnie cheered running over to the two and giving them a big hug. 


. . .


That ending tho. Okay, but seriously thats the end of that one. I want to do more so I'll either look up prompts or you guys can send me some. Pls send me some. No major charcter death pls. I can't handle those and I'm sure that I'd break down crying trying to write one of those. No smut requests either because I don't even read that stuff or cuss so I'm definitly not doing that. 

-An innocent flower (AKA Nerdie)

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