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Prompt above. Pastel!Dan and Punk!Phil

TW: Mentions of abuse

. . .

Dan was running as fast as his long legs could carry him. He could hear his ex-boyfriend's slurred shouts echo from behind him. He had his hands placed on his head to keep his favorite flower crown in place.

His relationship with his ex had been lovely. Well, until his ex had started to drink. Then it'd all gone south.  His ex became abusive and he'd never told anyone about it because he'd been scared but Em had seen the bruises and scars because she was the only one who ever paid attention to him.

She'd been furious. She'd punched her bedroom wall. She had screamed but not at Dan. Em would never scream at her older brother. That was how it had always been. Both siblings hated shouting so they'd made a pact to never shout at one another. So Em had screamed into her pillow and let loose all of the curses she knew. This was a shock to Dan because his little sister never cussed. She despised everything about cursing and shouting so Dan never cussed around the girl.

Em had convinced him that he deserved better. She told him, made him promise to run the next time things went bad so here he was, running for his life. He'd left his phone and everything else he owned but the clothes on his back.

He ran straight (AN: The only thing that he can do that's straight) into someone. He fell to the ground causing a small 'oof' to escape his lips.

"Ow," groaned the person that he'd crashed into. "Are you okay?"

He looked up to see and punk-looking man with black hair, a blue fringe, and blue eyes. He was dressed in a black leather jacket, black jeans, a dark purple Gengar shirt, and combat boots.

Dan let out a whimper and attempted to scramble backwards. His ex looked a bit punk as well so seeing the man, who looked way more punk and scary than his ex, scared him.

"Woah, calm down. I'm not going to hurt you. You look a little hurt. Are you okay? Did I do that?"

"No," Dan squeaked.

"No to which one? No, you're not okay or no, I didn't do that."

"Y-you didn't do that."

"So, you are okay? You don't look okay."


"Again, I can't help unless I know which one."

"I-I'm not okay."

"Do you need some help? What am I saying? You obviously need help. Can you call someone? Do you need to stay at my place?"

"I, uh, Em. I could call Em but, uh, she's away at college. Uhh, there's not anyone else."


"Oh, Em's my little sister. She just started college this semester."

"Good for her! I'm in my final year. Now, uh, are you sure that there's not anyone else? No parents?"

"No, they- they, uh, kicked me out when I came out to them."

"Okay," Dan couldn't help but notice how the man had either ignored the fact that he'd said he was gay or just didn't care. He was hoping for the second. "Well, you can get in touch with your sister when we get to my house. I'm sure she'd want you to check in. You can stay the night and head home tomorrow."

Dan nodded, not bothering to mention the fact that he'd lived at his ex's house and was now basically homeless. The two began to walk towards, hopefully, the man's house.

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