Living Situations Pt 2

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Prompt and TWs are the same as part 1

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"Yeah, it's where a male can carry and baby. Why are you- Are you-?" Phil's jaw dropped in surprise as he began to put the pieces together.

"Yes," Dan muttered, blushing.

"Wait, how old is Winnie?"

"Five years old," Dan squeaked.

"Is she...?"


"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know," Dan explained. "I didn't even know I was a carrier. Winnie was a surprise."

"And you didn't think to call me? Dan, Alice has my number."

"We broke up!"

"Yeah but I'd still want to know! She's my daughter!"

Dan's face flushed, "I'm sorry, okay? I wasn't thinking. I was so focused on Winnie and my job, I didn't think about it." Total lie, Dan had spent weeks on end thinking about it when he found out. "Plus how was that conversation supposed to go? 'Hey, Phil, I know we just broke up but apparently I can have children and you now have a daughter'?!"

"I don't think I would've cared how you brought that up!"

"I'm sorry! I was panicking!"

"What's going on?" a sleepy voice said from the doorway. Winnie was dressed in fluffy pajama pants and a t-shirt. She had a stuffed lion clutched in her arm as she yawned.

"Oh, sorry, sweetie," Dan said, running over and scooping her up. "We didn't mean to wake you."

"'S okay," she muttered, yawning again. "What's that?" she asked, pointing at the box that was sitting on the counter next to Phil.

"Oh, right, I came over to bring you cupcakes. To welcome you."

"Cupcakes!" Winnie squealed.

Phil handed over a cupcake which Winnie took happily after Dan took her plushie and set it on the table and she began to eat. "Thank you!" She said, her mouth full of cupcake. "All done!" she said once she'd finished, doing jazz hands. Somehow, in that short amount of time, she'd managed to cover her face and hands in the icing.

"Winnie!" Dan said, setting the girl in one of the chairs. He ran over to the counter and grabbed a wet wipe before running back over to Winnie and wiping the icing off of her face.

"Mmph," Winnie muttered scrunching up her face as Dan wiped it. "Lion!" Winnie complained, reaching for the stuffed animal.

Phil blinked in surprise, "Lion?"

"Let me wipe your hands first, kitten," Dan said, ignoring Phil. He somehow managed to wipe the girl's hands before she grabbed the toy.


"Lion?" Phil asked again.

Dan shrugged, "It was her choice, not mine."

Winnie jumped up and ran out of the room with her toy.

"Are you going to tell her?" Phil asked softly, watching her run.

"Of course! I-I just-"

"Like you were going to tell me?"

"I was going to tell you!" Dan defended.


Dan sighed, "Okay, maybe I wasn't. I just didn't want to think about it and... I dunno. You moved here-"

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